Wednesday 12 June 2019


there is smthing that beautiful and comforting bout words lyrics movie quotes lines you randomly read somewhere be it on the billboard that you read bout some supermarket being now available here there and everythere, just same as what music does to you....

like it just comforts you in the moment like just does smthing that beautiful by saying nothing and yet saying it all away !!!!!

this one feeel like the ultimate blooodyfooolest wali feeeeling everytime you connect some stopping you or similar dream with whatsapp unblocking like thinking it would help in comforting what hsi presence made you feel... like that need like that emergency to do what he wanted you to to just be thee with him when he that badly wanted you to.....

and then after waking up the only way you could possibly do is by unblocking him away that very same sec.....

how what or why you still donnooo but just is the way it is....

has always been !!!!!!!

and this one beauty of the words today you read on one of your followed word pages...

smthing like her winds are not there to make her fly away distant from the ones she loves but instead to protect the ones she loved and to be there with them in an instant...

thats exactly what and how it makes you feeeeeeeeel !!!!!!!!

with him being awaaay the only way you could possibly make it better and make yourself feel that you were there for him with him is by unblocking him away that very moment... just as he wanted you to just as he made you feel in the dream !!

thats how it has alwaaaaaays been right from the very start...

he has loved you not juts on the outside but that beauuuuuuuutifully touched your soul away for life !!!!!!!!!

and now wit time the more you relive and live him in moments like these the more Him you become....

to protect him to be there for him to just be with him always been your only Priority in life...

the rest just is what life comes with.....

the only thing that you did decide and took that step in life is making Him your only Priority...

nothing or no one has or will ever come in between that !!!!!!!

like Him above all of everything including you yourself...

not that superior or inferior thing but to just know whats the Priority in your life and then to just go with it no matter what !!!!!!!!

beauty nooo his niladri too Priority !!!!!!!

miyaaaaaaa tummmmmmmmm ab auuur biiii yaaaaad areeeee abiiiii k abiiiiiiiii uskuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu geeeeeliest chummiiiiiiii lag jaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this sec right now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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