Sunday 23 June 2019

The Internet!!

when the restoration of the internet also connects you with his music !!!!

heights of misseeeing gone to another level of heights only i say !!!!!!!

no wonder this loooooooooove for monsoon when after spending a day out in the rains you come back hom with that much THAT MUCH him and then not be able to write it out for almost two days !!!!!!!!!

like its you alone that knows what and howwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this felt like !!!!!!!!!

now the sec it comes back after much being after the life of the internet wala guy like every hour almost and a zillion calls after prolly the only two or three things that you dislike bout monsoons....

ek thoooooooooooo THIS zorkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii misseeeeeeeeeeing with that one wish it always comes with.... like despite of knowing the reality for years now for years of monsoon now like this is smthing you can never get used to... like to not let yourself wish for that one wish like not let yourself miss him a godzillion times more in each sec as it rains is smthing you jsut cantttttttttt !!!!!!!!!!!

like ye thooooo kitttaaaa try kiyeee kitttaa socheee why waste bolke thoo bi naichhhhh hota....

like yeee baarish ayiii face pe first drop and with that very drop comes a Him... and HOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!!!!

and the more drops you feel the drops you sense feel and smell the more HIMMMMMMM i say !!!!!

like its that mandatory like jaisaaa baarish ke saath baarish ki khushboo is a must bas same to same dittooo i say....

baaarish ke saaath merkuu Him biii that same feeeeel i say.....

sooo yaaaahhhh nowwww finally when you can this one same feeeel when you dont or couldnt write that very same instant now this feeeel where to start even....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the two other things power and internet going n coming !!!!

with that much Him rushing through you after a day like that one to his places.....

the feeeeeeels tooooo much i say !!!!!!!!!!

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