Sunday 2 June 2019

Beyond you...!

to love him is one thing and to adore him is another......

as weird as it sounds writing it out but it just is the way it is....

like you love him to another level only.... but there is that thing when that adore side of it comes.....

smthings now to write out how it feels in your mind can get that bad mad confusing when you write out in words....

like to decide to keep off him there still was love that itself was love cause you were doing just what and how he wanted to be like you off him......

and then that adore side strikes or that mommy side of you that adoooooores him strikes to be more precise...

and when that side strikes you just donnoooooooooo anything but to just do what and how the dream made you feel like..... even if after waking up you doubt what you did but that need to jsut do what and how it made you feel like is your only priority..

has always been !!

weirdest dream again....

like off late the series of beautifully weird dreams has  totally become an everyday thing now...

these empty spaces white spaces building types on the sides of the streets.....

like as far as you can see there were these complete white building spaces tall spaces kinda thing on both the sides of the streets....

like thats your vision as far as you can see.... and doooor you see someone walking past by each one of them and bending over a lil more and walking by and asyou go closer that saaaaaaaame beauuuuutifully familiar feeeeling of being drawn and thats how you know its him....

closer you go you could finally see his face like just the face part zoomed in with  that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his daaadi wearing chashma and looking at ech galli and walking by go a lil closer rght beside him and he couldnt even see you like you were right there and looks past you to the galli beside you and calls your name karely ?

and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling how could he not see you when you were right there and then clals your name too..... and the waaaaaaay it gives you that scary feeeeling like how could he not see you but the waaaaaaay he walks past by each and every galli and says your name llike he was looking for you hoping you would be there in some galli..... and you try to reach out to him like try to hold him like move yourself towards him trying to hold him and you wake up......

all sweaty with heart beat racing upto the highest speed possible that weiiiiiiiiird feeeeeeeeling in your stomach.....

wondering what the dream meant like it makes you feel the most ajeeb youve eevr felt.... with those weirder thoughts and logics attaced to the dream what if you were dead wali ajeeeeeeeeeeeb feeeeeeeeling !!!!!!!!!!!!

play his music and try to shut your eyes close tight just so you could go back to the dream.... like try to make sense this time.....

and trying trying mein donno when you actually successfully fell asleep this  time...

like this def is a rare..... and this time that soft whisper like that close to your ear karely?!

turn towards where you could hear him closest smell him closest and try to move your face towards where you could hear his voice again and he again calls you out kya karri howli and just touches your forehead.... and you ask him to call you again phir bula merku and that adoooooooooooooooooooooooooorable sound of his chuckle as it cracks him up and the waaaaaaaay that much loooooooooooooooooooove in his voice chummi poochleti hug hona boleti naam kaiku.... and you ask him again bas bula merku karely bol... and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just comes that close that you could feeeel his daaadi over your forehead its that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful sturggle charlie like there is most of you in that bad neeeeeeed to open your eyes and just live but you just knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww any sudden movements and youll miss out on that much lil of him too...

and you just beeee that way and that wait as you feeeeel his daaadi over your forehead and keep going a lil more closer just sooooooo you could feeel him more.... and as much as you can !!

and that one moment saaaaaaaaame chummi eating awaaaaaaaaay your naak.... and that one beauuuuuuutiful whisper of his voice meri howli karely......

and that one smthing it suddenly fills you up that beauuuuuuuuutiful calm that beauuuuuuuuutiful assurance to jus feeeeel he was right there and just when you were living that beauuuuuuuuuuutiful feeeeel of his words of his presence the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he just holds you awaaaaay like literally takes you awaaaaaaaaay in his arms.... and you wake up in that very moemnt switching to the other side..... eyes open hoping youlll see him there on that side....

like you literally wait for thsoe few secs to wait for his presence to show up and that sec when the realization sinks in you just smell that side that corner and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel when you could still smell him there.......

this one thing bout his dreams that will never make any sense...

he disappears the sec you open your eyes but that beauuuuuuuutiful trace of his presence left behind - His smell....

like everytime you can still smell him after waking up, it makes you feel a lil less lunatic and more sane... like makes the dream feel less of a dream and more of a reality of yours...

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