Saturday 15 June 2019

Dreams, Tree Dream...

right from that day to this today....

this very moment after you were woken up by that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful whisper of his vocie and the waaaaaaaay he was just baaloo ku sehlaa raha thaa.... like gently and not tryig to wake up kinda thing....

like just there to say smthing that beautitifully slow.....

like you oculd just hear him whisper  to you that close to you !!!!!

and you keep dheere dheere moving to the side of his voice where it was coming from... and the way he holds your hand in a way not wanting you to move and you stay there and try to move your face to the side where you coudl hear him from... and all the more dheere se he says smthing again....

and that one feeeeeeeel inside you wakeup talking to yourself with zaraaa zoorse bolethoo sunleti mein bhi.....

like you literally say this and wake up completing the line cause that sound of his whisper that touch of his over your forehead felt that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully real... like he was just there right there secs back till you wake up saying that one line that you ocould have missed saying if only you had that much brains to know by what you learn and experence.....

you move he disappears you say smthing he disappears or actually you say a hi too and that also makes him disappears - when you write smthing and those sudden flashbacks of the reality i say !!!!!!!!

holding the mind awaaaaaaaaay skipping that line of reality awaaaaaaaaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

sooooooooooo  yahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!

you wake up talking to yourself and stil look around fro him.... with that same feeeel aishaaa where did he go in juts secs.....

to that sound of his chuckle from the same most looooooooved most liiiiived tree dream yesterday....

its his presence charlie and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it just holds all of you awaaaaaay....

like that sall you wanna seeeee listen feeeeeee live loooooooooooooove for life i say !!!!!!!!

I SWEAR FOR LIFE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and the waaay moments like these and the after of such dreams you wake up with and the only thing that could possibly calm down or make it better is his music...

the waaaaaaay it just makes the after feel of this specifc dream always that beautifully better....

like you can feeeeeeel it in the air not sure if its cause of monsoon but just that one strong feeeel of him....

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