Sunday 9 June 2019

His words...

not sure if you have ever written this memory before cause this def feeels like the first time you relived this memory of his......

just smtime back mind still trying to play the visuals on loop with that want to know what his mind visualized for his very first film..... like this one call it love madness passion has always been there to know his mind through his words back then to later through his music mostly after bup its through his music and now today it has been trying to understand through his very first film....

even writgn it out fills your heart with THAT much pride like that oen dream of yours finally !!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooo yah !!

there was this thing bout you at the gym when some ladies would end up askign which college you were studying in obvsly meant they couldnt guess your age right.....

and this one time he just asks you your age and then even says he knows guys arent supposed to ask and yet he wants to ..... and you tell him it dosnt matter anyway but ask him to guess your age and says the exact number and age of yours - 26 almost 27 by december that year....

liek it actually shocks you not just surprises cause it was that smthing you were used to then where aunties around apartment or at the gym would stll think you to be a student.... and theer was him to be the first one who guessed the exact age of yorus... and you ask him how did he know the exact number and all and he just smileeeeees away that adooorably and then says anyways that dosnt matter if you were 4 years elder than him as he preferred elder one as he wanted to be taken care of someone more mature than him.... and his last one too was two years elder tahn him....

you were weeks away frm getting engaged soon to be married and there he was him telling you that on your face bout you being elder than him and he wanted it to be that way....

and you just look at him wondering what he was talkign bout and only after saying it does he like always realize what he just said....

and then skips the topic away you still wondering what he jsut said... and most of all how did he even guess that exact age of yours.....

like even much after you remember asking him once bout guessing your exct age and that one same adorable answer from him like he dint know why or how but just knew....

to think of it now years aftr this one realization with time.... he defffffff is more mature far more mature than you !!!!!!!!!

again smthing that your mom did mention back then itself....

but this one thing today it did leave you with....

when you suddenly feel that wrong in someones life strangely dont even know why but this one thing.....

it could be wrong it even could be smthing else but the way it just left you with thsi weird after feel....

the highlight however remains like it almost felt like it was that biggest gift of the Youdays i swear for having seen his trailer him havign released it on a Youday only....

like you alone knowwwwwwwww what and how much it means to you, to the second highlight still going strong with that feeeeeeeeeeeel of it being his khaki jacket only.....

and the epic most highlight of all to finalllllllllllllllyy read his name written edited and DIRECTED BY ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dream of your life the very first dream of your life that you lived with him...

finally today it did come true.....

to read his name that way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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