Wednesday 19 June 2019

The sudden too much missing!!

from that experience to seeing some client at the club that same place he takes you to show the place that he did learn tt at.....

to walking around that place your hand in his with the beautiful yellow leaves scattered all around and falling over you....

it was that one complete full filmy romantic afternoon walks with him as you wait there for his mango to arrive....

today when there you couldnt go in and instead postpone the meet and leave from there.....

the sec you were there at the gate all you could see feeeel was him walking on that street around....

like to just live that visual and then go on with the meet talking to her was something you werent prepared for....

literally run away from there and off to the lane beside and that needd to jsut be on your own for a bit.... ask the driver to stop the car and get off and walk on your own....

there was this galli similar one with big big trees around.....

walk there with his music playing and him rushing through you.....

walks with him like everything else with him - most loooooooooved thing to do !!!!

the waaaaaay he would hold your hand tight and closest to him and then keep looking at you beech beech mein having that wordlessly beautiful conversation with you and after a while make you hold his arm and bring you more closer to him... talking random things and as he does to jst live that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of him with his expression changing his smiles changing like you can sense when he is just walking and when he is now missing you as you hold him closer by his arm.....

like you could seeeeeeeee that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully on his face with his smiles the waaaaaaay he owuld have that one adooooooorable kid upto smthing smirk on hisface.... his big big adoooooorable eyes having a talk of their own....

to just live that beauty of nothingness with him...

to just realize how simplest of things could possibly make your heart the happiest.....

watching the leaves fall around yesterday to walking over the street with the views around and Him in you with his music playing - was smthing else.....

it was that hot and sunny but you were in that extreme state of peace and calm.....

like smthing just got better felt better in you.....

it was that moment of realization when you wait there at the gate with that sudden realization of his absence of that feeeel of then and now that hits you that you oculdnt handle.....

like that then and how wala scene there was smthing that hits you hard !!!!!!!

when you still dint couldnt learn to deal with reality - was that moment bout !!

realizing it !!

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