Saturday 29 June 2019

The pull, gravity!!

on the fone reading smthing like you dont even remember what exctly you were doing in that moment was the kinda impact that one visual of him left you with !!!!!!!!!!!!

still looking at ur fone and that sudden pull in you and then the sound hits you and brings you closer to the window like literally get closest to the window just so you could get a closer view and be sure its him......

and that one sec face turns you see the eyes ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the eeys twinkle as the sun gets a lil brighter after the rains and wit it still drizzling the eyes twinkle looking through the rear view bike ke side and you live that moment like that moment that face  turning was just for you the daaaaaaaadi the hands to jst live him after all these years even writing it now.......

nai maloom rehta actually mein charlie until and unless you live them for real like you know reasoning your own madness away achaaaaa  this is why all this misseeeeeeeing madness thsi is why all this mad crazy love for him.......  even in his abssence......

to jsut live him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one complete LIFE wali feeeeeeling......

aisaaaaaaaaa kaiseeeeeeee uneeeeeeeeeeee meriii poooori ki pooooooori khhushi jaaan ban gayaaaaaa charlie kaiseeeeee aiseeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

liek even that slightest of him today for a sec bhi and this feeeeeeeeeeelig it left you with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why its always been him had to be him will be him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to see hardrock pasing by and still looking fo rhim and that lostness when you couldnt find him seraching your best possible and finally when you couldnt it breaks you !!!!!!!!!

that one moment closest he was like window neeche karleti uskuu touch pakad leti that close !!!!!!!!

but uneee waise bhiii chala jaaata thaa !!!!!!!!!!

this THIS feeeeeeeeeeeeling again !!!!!!!!!!!!!

like it took you hours today to stop feeeling that low feeeling that one feeeeling that you are again feeeeling now reliving that one moment......

moments memories reliving the presence dreaming his presence nothing i swear nothing NOTHING comes even close to what and how his presence feels for real.......

its like you see him standing there be it then in the meet in the same room few steps away standing and looking at you with tha one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful wait in him with that smileeeeeee knowing you were living his details before melting away into and with him.....

like you just stand there he does the same and just lives your presence away and that one feeeeeeeling everytime you lived him that way you are here like all of you here living breathing standing and yet your LIFE your complete standing a few steps away from you breathing living.......

its that line of smthing that you live how that one presence of someone and nothing no one could possibly match come close or even feel the same......

what and how you feel in that very moment !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

today that neeed to jsu get off the car and run away to somewhere and just be.......

trying to get over that realization of him being that close to you and then disappeared !!!!!!!!!!

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