Sunday 23 June 2019

The Rains...

out for work and half way you get a call from your mom asking you to take an off as she had some work and you were stull in two minds and then that beauuuty of the weather and you decide to take the day off back home pick her up and out...

on your way to ikea and it rains and HOWWWWWW !!!!!!!!!

mid waaay one of those gallis almost close to ikea and that same familiar feeeeel it gives you every single time....

it being one of those fav gallis of his in jubilee hills....

like you obvsly donno which one it is but there is this one galli and eveytime you are there that one sameeeeeee feeeeeeel it could be that gallli of his bolkeee....

lke you cant help but feeeeeel !!!!!!!

half way there and this bad water clog thing almost half the cars aaadhe paani mein and doooor this traffic and mid of it all your moments of peace watching the rains with that sound of his music.... these drops from the trees falling over the window like in your mind that beauutifully slow as it falls touches the screen splits off in thousand other drops like falling stars.... like in your mind you were already that higggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh on misseeeeeeeeing him like you could def feeeeeeeel your mind going that slowwwww with him rushing through you !!!!!!!!!!!1

and this one place you get stuck couldnt move the car and you refused to go any closer worrying bout your car now howwwwwww just with his birt year number one the plate this one another level of loooove for you car..... like its become that one looove of yours......

kidaar bii zaraaaa lagaa samjoo meri gaaadi kuu no mattr where it is even in charmnar or in traffic that one ned to get off and check if its okay....

like you even named it purple panther again connections cause he loved the color purple on you back then and generally in shirts he would just hold that one color and blue color in his hand and just check.....

there was this one t shirt of his tooo that he loooked adoooooooooooooooooorable in color purple also why you loooved the car when you first saw it color purple his birth year and panther cause its the same breed as the singh/tiger hence the name purple panther !! :D

soooooo yahhhhhhhhh back to the moment.....

stuck in the jam making sure your panther dosnt get any close to any possible damage with constant instrucutions to the driver despite of 0 driving sense confidence i say i swear !!!!!!!

this one moment there was this one huge tree that close and drops from that tree over the window you lost in that one scene from a pic of his on insta with complete full on taal movie scene feels again....

cycle being tied up to his car out for his movie in lonavla or something like that oen picture or two pictures of the same baarish scene and it did become your most looooooooooved shot clicked by him of baarish.......

like thats one exact moment you alwaaaaaaaays have wanted to live the rains with and as......

on a long drive clouds hovering right over your head and rains and mist all around.... and Him to live it with !!

like this has been one wish biggest highest hoped for of all teh wishes !!!!!!!!!!!!1

to just live the rains with that beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of him to look into breathe in with !!!!!!!!!!

and as you live that moment there watching the drops off the tree to over your window take a shot and lil video thing of it with his music.....

saaaaaaadly the sound goes off no sound of water or his song playing.....

but the moment captured and just when you were the car moves a lil and as it was on a worst mode of slow mo prolly the biggest drawback of this new fone when the slow mo is this bad..... but that oen beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of the moment the waaaay it looks that beautifully trippy where one side of the video looks like a still image and then a video as the car moves a lil with layers of drops tree and an aartmennt at the back..... and that oen word of his the sec you see teh clip after recording pssssssssssychedelic !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that oen adoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorable sound of his as he used to say it pouting his beauutiful lips awaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa writing writing how only abiiiiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Youuuuuuuuuuuuu were missed howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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