Tuesday 25 June 2019

When some days are just that diff!!

you miss him with every breathe you take now.....

like with every single one there is that THAT much missing him running through you !!

like that one thing constant in you be it asleep awake any sec of the day or nite it is..... this one thing constant !!

and then there are days there are just those some moments when that already misseeeeing takes a leap to another level only...

and the reason not some big deeep memory but just that lilst of moment with him that rushes through you in the middle of nowhere.... like one thing leads to another as if that one moment one smthing just held you and took you to another moment of him...

like last two three days this one strong misseeeeeeeeing like never before like these last few days the misseeeeeeing has only grown that bad THAT owrse ki you donnoo why suddenly you are misseeeing him THIS bad its that restless weird lost state of misseeeing only growing with every sec...

like youve always missed him but last few days are just diff !!!!!!!

THAT different...

and with a today like this one today, only made it worse !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just WORSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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