Friday 7 June 2019


after just a day of rather nite of writing the pain gets that worse like you couldnt move your arm and the other hand too had this weird throbbing pain so finally get a xray n stuff done and comes clear....

just the sprain kinda pain and double the dose of antibiotices and all of that....

yesterday when that heavy dose of pain killer and you get on his film channel too to check if the trailer was up..... and you notice been just a min or two and this new visual of a tease from the scene that you loved in that channel cover of his....

hit a play and that beauuuuuuuuuty of his mind.....

his looove to stand and watch the walk...

when youve lived smthing exactly the same and that much of it - the loooove for that visual only grows......

like it gives you that vibe of no wonder you loooved it that much and it wasnt cause of the greens and the trees around...

the waaaaaaay he would just stand there like you know he is ther eright behind you watching you and only after you reach the gate turn around to see him that one smileeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on him like only after he would actually get in and drive away.....

like till then that one palat wait of his every single time...

again this beauty art and magic of the visuals...

like you see smthing and the waaaaaaaaaaaay it immediately takes you back to a similar familiar time when youve lived that for real.... and when you knowwwwwwww the mind behind that scene that well like you knowwwww that love of his for some moments that welll..... liek it makes it all the more special to just watch connect and relate with the visuals...

its again what cinema does to you gives you that familiar vibe of smthing like makes it you connect wit it forms that kinda bond in you which makes it all the more special like he used to say it as watchig films is not just a mode of entertainment its an experience that you need to feel....

dittoooooooooo same to same years after when you live that feeeel live that experience wtching a visual he wrote created and designed this beauuuuuutifully !!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa like every frame and this wait now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

not sure if you miss him more or now miss watching his film more.....

his biggest fan for life - DEFINITELY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

like after that scene you try to write like try that bad to write but the vein sort of keeps geting worse strained and you couldnt get the hand finger straight on the board.....

give up stay watching the same one for a few more times and just be living that beauty of the nite drizzle aftr...

monsoons here finally !!

only to start a day like this one today....

when you sort of like and enjoy this feeel now.....

where you struggle to move you rhand through the day but when it come sto the rush of wirting him writing a moment down like going to another extreme dosnt really seem impossible i say !!!!!

thats when you know you got your Priorities right...!

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