Sunday 2 June 2019

The mommy side!!

like the sec you wake up from the next one the waaaaay it just made it all better...

first one left you that restless wondering what it was bout.....

cause to just see him look for you with that face with that expression he was walking through each n every galli and bending over with that hope of finding you somewhere... cause you could see him from that clsoe and he couldnt see you.... like you were that close to him where you could see his worried lost face in that search for you throuh that long stretch of road......

it was that weird feeeeeeeeeling charlie to jsut see him look for you that bad that lost like that one lost expression on his face is smthing that you could never be okay with....  be it back then when you would just see his lost face from far and that weird feeeeeeeling everytime.... that one hope that one wish that one wait in you to see him smile to see him happy and not lost the way he did back then.... this was when you were that far and dint even talk to him then....  abi when you love him like him being literally your life everything and then to see him that lost and you being the reaosn like to actually hear see it yourself you be the reason he was that lost.....

was the worst feeeeeeeeling !!

to jsut know you weer causing that pain that lostness on him... and then to see yourself in that way like he couldnt see you was even worst....

then like the second one he was there again that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully there to make it better for you.... the waaaaaaaay he was loving you talking to you the waaaaaaaaay just his voice feeeels that beauuuuuuuutifully comforting like he was there actually to make it better fom the first dream......

the waaaaaaaaaay he was making you feel live his closeness.....

was smthing else....

beyoooooooond words n feels !!!!!!!

its this beautiful thing charlie mein apna love side control karlu like kar bhii looo but whooo jo merku unee mommy bana diya nai whoo nai hota control bas.....

to just knowwwww to just watch him be that lost for you in search for you again when you let everything be on one side and him on one side and unblock him again.....

again makes no absolute sense.... but that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of you being the reason for him being lost was bas enough for you !!

like that one person in the world that just needs to be happy happiest......

like thats all youve ever wished hoped wanted to see him as....

why still be there when he dosnt want you to is the other side of it.... but what you felt today what you saw of him today from that close you just donno any other way but this...

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