Saturday 8 June 2019

Waking up like this!

ther eis this beauuuuuuuty of moments like these....

whne you that badly wanted to write smthing out and then galti se passed out due to the pain killer....

and then being wokenup like this and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it fills you up with....

to just hear that beauuuuuuuutiful whisper of his voice that THAT clos eto you.....

and hear him breathe like you couldnt open your eyes or move a bit bhi bu like you oculd hear him breathe that close to you.... the way he just had his hand over gently on the shoulder.... like healing that pain just with his touch....

cause th waaaaaaaaaaay it comforts you like you keep taking those deep breathes just so you could inhale all of his presence in you like you kno whold his presence awaaay with that beauuuuuuty of his smell......

and that one smile whisper of his sound and then his hand over the shoulder.... the waaaaay he just moves it dheere seee making sure it dosnt hurt you a bit....

even writing now thisone feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel how moments like these even with the eyes shut felt THAT real like he was actually there for real......

to when you try to turn towards him and look fo rhim and reaize the side of you that empty like just that empty feel on the side weirdly wakes you up.....

like all that while there was smthin he was whispering that beauuuutifully slow like just his voice that you could hear and not the words.....

those few mins after th waking up that weird feeeeeeel - why dosnt he just stay...!

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