Friday 28 June 2019

Away !!

back then at his place when you go to see him when you feeel he dint sound himself on the call.....

like he did sound disturbed and tells you to stay off him....

at his place with that feeeeeeel maybe after this you wont be seeing him maybe after this you wont get to go see him like this at his place like you sure knew it was falling apart like you wanted to make the most of that last moment that you had with him.... cause you still felt that last bit of smthing in you like you still could go see him like that without asking if you could or not...

and at his place to ask know or maybe just to see him hold him one last time......

and teh way he stays off you and avoids looking at you and yet the way he tells you he is leaving for kashmir with family and will be back after a week or two and still needs to pack and he couldnt find where his wallet was.... like there was himthat one adooooooooooooooooooooooorable him still trying to show you that its all over by staying off you and then there was the most him still sharing it all away with you.....

where he couldnt find his wallet and keeps looking for it yaha waha as he was getting late to go book the tickets and stuff.... and you get off his bean bag and give it to him as it was on the corner of his table.... all that while that he was looking for the wallet he keeps turning and looking at you.... watching you live him.....

this meet too that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling charlie when you know you wont be seeing this one face that did become your LIFE nothing less nothing more like the only and eveything and then when you feeel that you wont be seeing him this way maybe you wont get to sit like that and just live that beauty of him maybe after that you wont get to live that adoooooooooooooorableness of his sharing it all away with you keeping you posted bout the plan..... and even tells you his fone wont be reachable once there and he will manage to take a local number and let you know.....

and just when you give the wallet the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just stays and watches you for a sec like he was saving that moment away with the wallet still in your hand and your hand towards him and that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling.......

the waaaaaaaaay he just watches you maybe said it all.....

and you try to hold him and the way he pulls you away on the other side of the room and then pushes you away.... and tells you this is why she dosnt take my blanket as she feels its dirty.....

it was your all out space of his room right outside the washroom where you did live the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful moments with him....

be it the love ones or the hilariously ironic ones.....

and that same corner him pushing  you away and saying that showing the blanket of hsi sister and blames your closeness with him for to be the reason that she dint use his blanket.....

and you ask him what this reason is he talkin bout.... and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just watches you again in that moment tries  to bring his hand closer to your face and then loosk away saying nothing.....

nods away and then looks at you again.....

stays for a bit watching you and tehn walks out of the room......

that one look that one stare was him being that same adoooooooooooooooooorable that he had always been even in the most ironic of situations....

when he would share smthign to do with his ex and only after saying smthing would realize he shouldnt have said that.....

that moment after saying it and when you ask him what it was he was talking bout was then when he realizes what he shared with you...... the way he just watches you and then tries to make up for it by trying to touch your face and then dosnt and walks out of the room.....

you walk out with him down the stairs and he stays on the other side of the stairs for a bit with his chachi telling him to drop you and you just turn and look at him one more time and step out from the kitchen side of the house..... and he goes the other way.....

even writing it now this weird feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it did fill you up with......

who hotaaa nai charlie movies mein dekte scene taking the otehr way being on the same path......

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling you come back with......

but there was that feeeeeeling still there even after all that that you atleast did see him one more time.... you atleast lived some moment with him one more time.... atleast you did touch hold him one more time.....

at least you shared smthing with him one more time !!!!!!!!!

even writing it now THIS feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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