Friday 7 June 2019

Magic in the details...

what makes that already him high start of the day all the more magical.....

its the details tha you live out of nowhere moments like these - LIFE i say !!!!

his music adding that bit of more him to moments like these...

like if that moment of someone waving back the family with bags in hand before steppng in the car wasnt enough.....

mind that much more lost in him thinking yaa knowww you misedout on wriing this one and the way it was here again to remind you how felt him that much more whn you missed him the most first rains of the season this year....

a lil away this one light in the car draws your attention as you look in this beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty this maaaaaagic i say !!!!!!!!

it was the ektara song video playing in the cab on that mini tv on the seat back..... it was the birthday nite scene and just lost in sid the charcter makes her smile scene....

that one movieeeee was smthing else !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

start of that realization of how much you already were in love with him with every bit of him and THAT much !!!!!!!!!

like you just needed that bit of smthing to make you go tinggg yaa no you love him... and that again like eveything else he alwys knew and hence insiisted that bad for you to watch that movie wihhim.....

the excuse being it was that close to being taken off the movie thetres and before you deicde smthing that big in your life he wanted you to give that moment to him to watch that movie with him....

LIFE changing for life.....

of all th evideos of all the songs of today there was that one very song playing.....

HIM i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the mind that much more now drowned in allllllll him is ay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its this beuaty charlie when you live him in lilst of moments like these be it today in the morning as you hazy wake up form that pain and live that beuaty of his sound....

to this moment of this song today and the after of it again leavesyou wthat beauuuuutifully trasnformed like you tend to feeel eeveything else all the more....

thi sone flyover where thelights go blink blink on n off.... and the way it reminds you of a similar moment  that he put up on his insta year back or smthing off lights blinking with some song playing....

and today it was his raju chahcha wala sog playing....

and the way the lghts were off and the sec that line comes tu hai meri aur mein hu teraaa the sec the teraa word comes lights over you ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one spotlight filmy moment i swear !!!!!!!!!!

is when it also tings you he was soo right pooori bollywood gf hai meri tu !!!!!!!

moments like these and this hidden away bollywood in you comes alive....

that one khushi of that spotlight moment it gives you maaano he was actually there singing away that line to you and you live that moment under spotlight wali ppppoooooori feeeel !!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chipppyyyyyyyyy tummmmmmmmm bhottttttttttt yaaaaaaaaaaad zooooorseeeeeeeeeeee yaaaaaad aaare miyaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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