Wednesday 19 June 2019


first to start with the day yesterday.....

the usual thing when out for work on your way and actually most of the time like one thing constant his music playing and you people watching smtimes and most of the times looking for him....

hoping to see him somewhere.... kahi tho...

no matter where you are like that one search always there...

and yesterday almost late noon it was and with just bout an hour or two of sleep the nite before... again doesnt happen but yesterday the way the mind goes that slow.... and it was that state where you blink more often just bout to fall asleep but there was also that need to look around and you try n be awake like still falling asleep and then keeping yourself up just soo you oculd look more.....

and you donno when or how the way these boards of the stores on the street across start appearing with address as mumbai maharahstra..... like one store after the other and all you could read was mumbai maharashtra..... like through n through the street every store with the same address to the walkover bridge looking like those station bridges like all around as you look the complete place around street around feels like you were actually in bombay....

the best part of what you were experiencing is that it dosnt surprise you or shock you but like you were sort of going with the flow the waaaaaaay it was making you feel... like in your mind you were in bombay moving around with that strangely beautiful thought ticking in your mind he must be around somewhere....

as weird as it feels writing it out now....

to experience what you did yesterday was BEYOOOOOOOOND words and logic....

cause you still donno what it was for those few mins...

like no matter which corner  you look you had that thing on your mind as if tho you actually were in bombay looking around places and boards with that one beautiful thought or whatever it was that one feeeeeeel of being close to him...

like you already were actually in bombay......

it was only after a few mins when the driver hist that sudden break as some kid was crosing the road do you move and realize you were close to jubilee hills....

like it was then in that moment do you actually feel yourself land back in hyd....

you werent even sleeping that fully up and yet not sure what it was bout......

to feeeeeeeeel that one feeeeeeeeeeeeling as simply mad as it may seem writing it out but you alone know what and how it made you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel in those fewest of mins.....

that one state of mind it left you with was only the start...

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