Tuesday 25 June 2019

at His place !!

had to meet a client of yours and when she mentions inorbit mall !!!!!!

that one feeeeeeeling like you were close by to where she was earlier in jubilee hills but the sec she mentions inorbit mall instead and you fataaak se a yes.....

last few days this one literally struggle to hold your mind get a hold on yourself as the msseeeeeing def feeels worse and nothing like youve been used to now......

like pataaa nai charlie but the waaaaaaaaaaay this misseeeeing is only getting worse itaaa ki you keep looking at your own wallpaper of his and keep feeeling his way away his hands awaaay and self talk saying i miss You soooo much like you look for moments alone walk away from your mom from people when in crowd or wehn at work like just that neeed to walk away suddenly look at him on your fone and just live that miseeeing saying that to his picture.... to just live that moment kaihhiii bi kaiseee bi ekdumm see like you know you can feeel it this miseeeeing only geeting worse....

and you cant get a hold on your mind like you are struggling that bad !!!!!!!

and the sec today she mentions inorbit mall that one hope maybe it will get better when in one of his places.....

the very place where he held your hand for the first time as you are scraed to step on the escilator that you are today bii like now its more on the way down you are shittttttt scared..... then it was also going up and the waaaaaay he sees that hesitation as you ask him if there was a lift or staairs around and the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he moves his arm forward and tells you shows you how his sister holds his hand like couldnt tell you directly to hold his arm and instead tells you this way....

to the moment off it and you still had your hand on his arm and the way he just stands there watching you hold his hand..... with that one heights of khushiiiii on him and only when he looks at his own hand do you realize you were still holding him.... and the secyou move your hand away the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just stays that way looking at your hand..... and then his arm....

and that one nod that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful nod like he was sure that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutifully sure you will again hold him cause you were just moments day away from love......

just that one nod of his knowing just that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully knowing soon that will be smthing youll live and love, holding him !!!!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee writing writing how only You were missed ekdummmm seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would move his arm forward asking you in a way to hold him and then lock away his arm locking your arm away in his......

sooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the sec you are there that same feeeeeeeeeling of lostness !!!!!!!

looking around searching for him up the vol of his music and just be walking around without calling her and telling her you weer there.....

only after a while of being on your own finally at starbucks her waiting and you meet and all..... through the meet this one bunch of guys play some video and were talking bout smthing the song chandralekhaa.....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chetansinghaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the lyrics of the song the words mein cheeka chilaya usne mudke bi naa dekaa.... one of those songs that you loved when high with ur friends ringtone back then and everytime her fone rang that one scream inside of you chetansingaaaaaa....... tuneee mudkeee bi naa dekaaa !!!!!!!

and today that one sound and that one neeed to get away and live that smile rushing inside of you live that moment on your own.... and just be for a bit !!

get off and just when you were bout to play his music and this very song that plays after really long as it was unchecked on the list like wasnt added to new beret list on your fone being new.....

it was a carbon based artist song...

the sec the song plays and you weer in the middle of the que at the counter and that one sudden beautiful lostness of the moment as you shut your eyes and there he was that sound of his voice that adoooooooooooorably says meri and just stops..... as your fone keeps ringing.....

that one sudden beauuuuuuuuuutiful feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling as the song plays and you suddenly cant hear a thing outside lose sense of the place you are at like completely blank....

just you and that one moment with that echo of his voice as he says meri and just stops with that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful smiling tone of his voice !!!!!!!!!!!

some moments i swear as lil as they maybe but they just leave you with smthing that is beyond words !!!!!!!!!!!!

a song you hear after a very long tme and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay it brings back this beautiful memory of his adoooooooorableness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee again writing writing how only firseeeeeeeeeee baaaaaaaaaaaadly You were missedd ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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