Thursday 20 June 2019


to the not so good stuff and yet beautiful stuff !!

on your way back from work this one flyover thing that you always waited to cross as it has the most beautiful C after Him that is made on it.... some sort of carved thing with other figurines around evolution sort of thing towards this beautiful C moon that is with stars around.....

days back when your previous finally was giving up and you had to get a new one after more than an year or smthing.....

again same struggle hoping you get it right this time of havig a chat backup just so you dont lose these msgs and voice notes of his.....

this time you donno how or what rest of all the contacts and the msaages disappears except for his......

his msgs and his number with the other previous old and first number of his ever and bombay number stays.... rest of your contacts that you hadnt even saved any place else of clients and some friends all gone including the msgs....

just the names are there and now as you look at your new fone this one strange level of happiness.....

thats how basically your life is anything to eveythign to do with him is all that stays with you matters to you is your Priority...

rest all its like almost non existential....

like just a part of your life and not life...

to just see the list with just his msgs there this one different mad feeeeling i say....

sooo yaaa tryng pics with his new fone and this new app that the play recommends nd you are already in love with it cause it gives you that actual film picture kinda vibe....

when you couldnt all this while manage to get the clear pic of that much loved C on the flyover you finally do now....

to on your way back home that thristy and you stay and wait for bake house to come just so you could get off and get water frm there....

stranger are the waaaays of heart i say cause when tat level of misseeeig strikes you just gottaaa be in some place of his....

and this one you go after long.....

be there get water and just before stepping out you ask the counter uncle if you could click a pic and the uncle dosnt get it or just says a no and this one aunty of the uncle asks you what it was bout as you were that disappointed with that no.....

and you ask her if you could pls click a pic and she nods and happily says a yes and tells the uncle it must be smthing important cause it made you that happy with a yes....

and moves the cutsomer away and lets you take a pic.....

the place lloked much smaller than it was back then....

different kind of chairs and tables but the color red remained the same...

back then too  it had these smallest red chairs around and the day you were there too there was this guy sitting on one chair and some female standing at the other side.....

in your mind that beauuuuutiful visual play of that moment....

just be there after taking the pic and reliving him in that very spot looking at you without that smile expression of his as mango was talking to you.... and you were smiling or laughing at it.....

him just standing there watching you and you couldnt take your eyes of fhim even as mango talking your eyes that beautifully glued on him.....

the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he would jsut hold you awaaaaaaaaaay even standing that far from you....

like you just look at his face his expression and the waaaaay it just pulls you closer to him like all of you on the inside being drawn towards him..... and you get off and as you walk towards him the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay his face that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully transforms that one smile on him and you jus stand there close to him and just touches your hand with his without holding your hand... like just feels your hand with his again his way of feeeling your presence after living that moment of distance with you....

that was the first time you lived that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful version of his love for you, him making you feeeeeeeeel just his just that beauuuuuuuuutifully his.....

to just seeee him feeeeeel that for you - was beauuuuuuuuuuuuutiful beyond words....

to just feeeeeeeeel you being just that one someones prolly the most beautiful feeeeeel  i say !!!!!!!

like you sure knew he loved you the most in your life but then to feel live that feeeeeeeeling of being just his and him wanting you to be just his.... BEYOND WORDS !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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