Friday 7 June 2019

Mornings like these...

this pain on and off and you struggle to sleep in your room so instead move out in you rplace and just be with his music playng and it keeps raining on n off with thunger n lighting occasionally thi slooooooooooove for the nites....

like themore you live the nite sky like this the more it makes you feel like you are living him cause in your mind you are again back in time living that one moment o just live that beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of him under the nite sky.....

ayyyaaaaaaa charlie those moments like jaise time bas ruk gaya hooo and you are that lostttttt in his beauuuuuuuty in just the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he looks that extra bit more beauuuuutiful and glowing under the nite sky with the moon over....

and its like your pooooora ka poooora world life right ther ebeside you and ar eliving it to the fullest !!!!!!!!!!!

n donno when you again pass out and this one time you turn and it pains that bad cause you moved to the same arm that was hurting the most.... like that bad it wakes you up and you wer ewide awake though it wa like a n hour or two you had slept but still that wide awake watching the almost awake sky....

and that neeed to check his channel and this one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of the song.... the sound rather.....

it was the same artist that you did find this song that had his vibes knowing his love for music like you could almost visually live him listening to music and people watching around....

like the sogn that chill and that beauuuuuty of just livng his mind in the song....

and that feeeeeel when you see it was from the same artist and that one feeeeeel your mind did completely transfom just like his..... when you now connect with music or sounds that feeel like him.....

like thats the first thing that makes you like the song like you feel that familair vibe with the sound.... ike it just connects !!

and you dont get the lyrics initially but the sounddddd the visualssssssss trippily that beautiful !!!!!!!!!

goggle the lyrics out and that weird feel cause it had that same wanna stay but cant stay vibe to it... like scared to stay knowing thats all you wanted of him...

to the other vive of the video liek the guy with the other sid eto him and despite of that the girl loves him the way he is and then there are the people wanting and doing otherwise......

like not in their favor or her favor rather.....

leave it all aside and as beautifully ironical it feels just be with the sound.....

like that sec very sec that neeeeeeeeed to jsut drive away cause it had the visuals of the most beauuutiful greens and the jeep i say like you loved it earlier but after googling ou the reviews skip it.....

its like everything you like in one video thing with just the sound.... till the meaning of it confuses the f outta you.....

like that one moment that one biggest wish i swear if onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you knew how to drive i swear charlie like never before did you miss it like you did this morning.....

that neeeed  to jsut be off n awaaaaaaaaay frome evrything just so you could be closer to eveything him....

like just the song playing loud its just you off n away from the hush rush of the city and into the woods......

and just live him more !!!!!!!!!

like even thinking of it now ayyyaaaaaaaa now you knowww why he loooved those drives when he was in a restless state of mind....

like this morning the rush to just be awaaaaaaaaaaaay and closer to him with the sound - was smthing else....

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