Thursday 20 June 2019

Randomly connecting moments...

so instead of writing backwards writing on what you feel the most this moment now.....

this one random post by some couple travel blogger on insta.... again not smthing you followed or browse or had ever seen their page just cause some friend of yours liked some pic on the page it pops up in your feed.... and the pic shot some sunset location with birds over their head looked some varanasi kinda location....

browse their page and its of some indian blogger couple documenting their holidays all across the globe.....

both hippie looking with their style and picture vibe...

and this one pic as you browse through their feed this one pic catches your atention cause it had the title of his love for flying objects...

the waaaaaaaaaay it was an instant connection with a zillion most adoooooooooooooooooorable moments of watching Him live his most adooooooooorable moments with the flying objects...

the video goes like them having a moment where the girl is on a healthier side and through the moment the way the guy holds her and she just lets herself be..... like swinging away and letting herself fly with the feet still on the ground...

again a visual that you could that beauuuutifully relate the most with.....

just the waaaaaaaaay that same way him holding you away by the kamar when the hindi translation emergency arrives and sort of ruins the flow.... but you gottaaaa go what you gottaaa dooo i say !!!!!!

so yaaaaa him holding by the kamar and you just be with arms wide open....

in the short video sort of thing the way she moves as they were standing under the wide open sky....

there was that beuatiful vibe of the moment with that music playing at the background...

not caring a thing bout the way she looked appeared a lil fat like nothing really mattered just that feeeeel of being held and being sure of not falling....

the way the guy looks at her with her still lost in a flight of her own in the mind.....

knowing feeeling she was being held safe knowing she could let herself be free knowing she would still be held....

there was smthing that beautifully magical bout that moment.....

the way she was dressed them having that moment to their own....

this thing he did mention to you years back prolly in some chat.....

again when you wonder if to write or to not write causeo of the content....

letting it out i say !!!!!!!!!!

when he mentions bout ye nai pehenka sona and try it and see it makes you feel freeee.....

and then tells you karke dekh haaath oopar and all of that.....

it did the same thing.....

like in that moment asyou do all that mattered was him being there being lived by him... like in that moment you forget bout the distance or the fact that he was away and not right there holding you or smthing....

it was that setting yourself free with and out of love....

its to know you are being held you are being held safe and all by love.....

to write out how and what exactly it made you feel then or yesterday watching that video was beyond words...

again smthing you dont do watching love stuff couple stuff even if it appears on the feed...

but the way this one thing lead to another...

where you started browsing initially cause of the picturesque moments captured to leading to them sharing their most loved moments especially when eveyhting was going wrong for them through a phase....

like they were documenting it more so just so looking back at them making them realize what they have and they need to keep it safe hold it together and not give up on the other......

its like once they started documenting it, it brought them closer making them realize what they had found in the other...

soon through the moment and the guy realizes some flying insect coming closer and screams her name rushing back inside the room and closing the glass door.... asking her to tackle it and she tries to move it away with some brush and then stops and looks inside the glass to watch the guy standing looking for the fly tracing the fly as it flies around with that fear..... and she goes closer to the glass door and watches the guy from up close..... and just stays that way....

the video ends in that moment....

and her description with the highs and lows of their relationship and describes that moment as falling in love with the guy all the more in that moment....

cause he was his vulnerable best and had his faith in her to save him from the fly......

its like you watch a playback of a moment of your own.... a beauuuuuutiful trace of him standing their holding you by your kamar screaming your name out asking you to kill or get rid of the fly.....

you lost in that adoooooooooooooooooorableness of his in that very moment.....

to just know to just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that faith love trust of someone in you that they know for sure youll keep them hold them safe away from anything that scares them...

its again a beautiful very beautiful form of loving someone and more so being loved !!

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