Wednesday 5 June 2019

HIS !!

as you sit out there at the clicni recalling that momen......

the way it strangely reminds you of the dream you had few days back with that weird of feeling you not being alive and him looking for you couldnt see you and all that weird feeeling....

like it was that close hadnt it been for the sleep in those rained slippery mud thing !!!!!!!!!

to that moment when you couldnt or feel your arm to that random touch of someone and the way it makes you move your arm away like that was when you could finally feel the pain that bad......

like jsut so someone else dosnt touch you you move your arm in every direction possible....

it sthat feeling charlie pata nai kya ho jaata it sthat inside feel like andar see he His bolke even for any reason at all be it, like it just makes you feel that weird like how could some guy just touch doc hai so dosn even matter then in that moment....

just the hand on your shoulder an you move away and start to move your arm....

like whoo andar se self talk mode not bad haan pretty strong suddenly you become in moments.....

to the sight of that bad blood clot makes you happy cause watching it waslike reliving his colors on you.....

that same feeel he was here..... there... everywhere !!!!!!!!!!!!!

smtings even with the ironices they come with can make you happy to another level only....

when you write your mind out and it feels all the more mad but again smthings you cant gelp but just feeeeeeeel the way it made you feel in that very moment....

his marks him signing away i was here was one of those extreme levels of happinesss....

becomign more Him......

more His !!!!!!!!

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