Sunday 23 June 2019

Music day!!

some moments and in that one moment you live a zillion other memories connected !!!!!!!

be it mirror moment the window moment from bombay that love of his for blue skies on drives the waaaaaaay he would suddenly watch the sky whilst driving and you living your most loooooooooooooved lived visual of life - Him !!!!!!!!

and all of that in that beauuuuuuty in one of his places......

and you tell your mom to finish her shopping and youll come back for billing and all and leave and go back to the stairs and just be.....

like making the most of what and how the place was making you feeel !!!!!!!1

to just live that visual of you standing there reflection on the glass and then relive those mirror moments was missing him beside you his absence visually living his absence was smthing you couldnt handle in that moment.....

sit there for a while up the volume of his music and live that beauty of the rains for longer.....

his places def calm that rush of misseeeing for a bit, always does for the moment....

back to the store done with the billing and come back home with THAT much him !!!!!!

that neeed to write and you realize there was no internet cause of the rains....

jsut be up reading the comic and this one post on insta nd you realize it was the international music day.....

first sound of your life of the real music - Him... wasnt just that beauty of the first sound it was also tooo many first that came along with that first sound of his fink.... that beauty of his first touch on your hand him standing that close to you for the first time ever him staring in and through you from that close first time listening to his music for the first time using his headfones that he never gave someone first time and feeeeeling that beauuuutiful comfort with someones presence from that close to you losing that fear for the first time.....

like you always knew him like you were always that used to his closeness....

its like some words visuals come along with too many things that make you feel make you wakeup and realize too many things in at once...

to that wait on his channel that nite to see some like from him smthing any music like you that baaaaaaaaaaaaaadly wanted to live him through his music that day...... keep refreshing almost every min hoping waiting and then be with that adoooooooooooooorableness of his pic only !!!!!!!!!!

how adooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorably beauuuuuuuuuuuutiful does he look ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that beauuuuuuuuuuuuty of his full grown daaaaaaadi that makes you literally wanna go closest to the screeeen only just soo you could feeeeeeel that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful fuzz of his daaadi !!!!!!!!!

MADNESS !!!!!!!!!

exactly what its now !!!!!!!!!!!

that one smileeeeeeeee of his that brings along that sound of his another song that he that adoooooooooorably shares with you ghis ringtone of his ex gf and then again realizes what he just said ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anything to everything i saaaaaaay bas pakaddddd seeeeeeeee khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa jaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaa uskuuuuuuuuu yummmmmmmmm bolkeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to that feeeeeeeeeel everytime you seeeee ayyyaaaaaa nayaaa kaikuuu naya lagaya koi at least you woldve this way got to see him.......

if there is that one person on this planet that has spoilt you in presence or now absence without even knowing is Him......

back then with his THAT much love and now in his absence when his music fills up for you !!!!!!!!!!

like you literally switched his love to his music......

whatta change nai !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

but that thing again bout misseeeeeeeeeing any lil of smthing means everything than having nothing at all.....

is how you fill up for his absence now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when the misseeeeeeeing going to another level only with the onset of monsoon now......

rains and him i swear !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the waaaaaaaaaaaaay it only multiples the misseeeeeeeing away by the sec as you breathe !!!!!!!!!

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