Saturday 15 June 2019

The Call !!

like those few secs when you were confused if its him on the fone your mind running around to what if he is in hyd and wnats to see you cause he did the same thing years back right before your birthday.....

like calls you up and asks if you could meet him in the next few days... like it was weeks before your birthday......

and also when the call the talk kind of stuff dont feel real like them almost non existential kinda thing.....

cause it dosnt happen anymore and for the longest of times....

and when that day right in th emiddle of nowhere that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him on the fone and there were a zillion things running through you in that very moment.....

to the after of it and that another feeeeel it left you wth ever since then...

it happens in frequent gaps charlie..... like you can just feeeel him in the air like he is there like every few months this happens like you can just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it that strong in the waaaay he even comes in the dreams.... like even in the dreams that beauty of his presence feels that much more different again one of those things you just feeeeeel it inside of you and now cant write it out.... or express out in words.....

last few days right after that call that one weirdly beautiful feeeeling.....

beautiful just cause of that one thought tinging in your mind maybe he is in hyd and then that gets weird and madness absolute madness realizing how does it even matter or make any difference....

but despite of knowing that one fact it just strangely that beauuuuuutifully still makes it different.....

cause you can just feeeel him that tad bit much more closer....

like you can sense that in the air which again makes your eyes wander also the reason why you have those sun shield or whatever it is called on all the windows but yours... cause you wanted to be able to look around when that feeeeeeeeeel of him strikes......

that same search looking for him hoping some where some kona kahii thoo you get to see him.....

strange nai charlie unless you live moments like these you sort of let your mind skip away how and what impact everything to do with him has on you....

not  that its smthing that you donno bout but just that thing of not thinking bout or missing how his calls used to make you feel and then living a random moment like that one and then to feeeeel live that feeeling of a few secs thinking its him on the fone !!!!!!!!!!!

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