Wednesday 5 June 2019

The jacket!!

come back from the walk and this neeeed to aise bhiii try to write out......

take in another pain killer and that first thing as per usual stalk his channel first for some music and ths time it was the teaser of his film.....

like a seperate movie channel of his....

and you just be extra careful this time with the channel cause you knowwwww one galat click anywhere even close to and that another block on the way......

 i wonder smtimes charlie kiasaaaaaaaaaa nai yee sapne wale him pe itttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii badiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful siii smileeeeeeeeeeeeeee i swear soon as you wake up and look at him..... lik just your presnece and that khushiiiiiiiiiiiii on him and this one him any sight or sign of you like kyaaaaa ho jaaata ki that fataak one block comes.....

soooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhh

being extra careful this time the sec you see the movie channel the cover pic of two women one seems like the day version of her and the other the nite version.... that one beautifully familiar feeel you around trees living him in the day you at nite walking around living him after waking up feeling him....

some visuals again that beauty of it like you see smthing and you connect like it smtimes feels that beautifully familiar like a part of you there on the screen.... like you either feel that moment or connect with the visual this one you felt that close......

when that uneasiness of his absence strikes after a dream of his that need to head out and just be with his music..... and in the day that one peace and calm you find around trees and anything nature.... like a place where you can just be and relive him to calm down that sudden rush of him.....

to that beauty of the teaser like the visual again that khaki jacket of his just what you lived a day or two back in that first rain visual moment.... to the misty cloudy feeel of the nite.....

his love for nites i say that beautifully depicted..... its this thing bout his writing and the waaaaaaaaaaay he used incoprorate anything he loved the most somehow or the other in each script of his..... like you did read 3-4 scripts of his from that diary and each one with smthing he loved the most either it be niladri kumar sitar music or his loev for his psy beeedi the mention of smthing he truly loved kaiseee bhiii nikal he ataa.... like he used  to make sure of that !!

like when one scene you felt that much him this waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit now to see the complete film !!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa his first film directed by kutieeeee kitttuuuuuuuuu krishnamoothi!!!!!!!!!!!!

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