Wednesday 12 June 2019

His choti !!

once done there and THAT much him rushing through you on your way back home.....

and this one jam you get that bad stuck at for almost an hour..... and baaju mein this enfield pe some guy and al you could see was that arrow mark kinda choti on the nape of the neck like that hair cut style....

and that one visual of him like in that moment that guy there did become him too !!!!!!!!!

like suddenly it was like you were watching him....

one of those first meets with him at his other place and walking down the apartment to drop you back home and he walks a lil ahead of you and you see this lil choti on the nape of his neck right outside the apartment as his car was parked outside.....

and you touch it and laugh over how cute the lil choti looked on him and ask him ab tumm choti bhi rakteee....

and the waaaaaay that adoooooooooooooooooooooooooorable shy expression on him and looks around immediately as your hand was still over his neck.... and just stands there and asks you still smiiiiiling that adooooorably at you koi deke thoo sharam ni aari....

ayyaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaaay smtimes he would shy awaaay charlie ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bas pakad keeeeeee khaaaaaaaajaaaaaanaaaa uskuuu poooora ka pooooora i swear !!!!!!!!!!

all you could say was still feeling his choti ab terku haath lagari na kyu sharmati....

and that sudden loooooooooooooooooooooooove expression to that one nod of his after like he wante to say smthing n just skipped saying it..... and you ask him what and he nods again asking you to get in th ecar as he unlocks it and you nod back saying you wont unless he tells you and the waaaaaaaaaay he just stands there exact same way like he used to back then hands over the car and looks at  you and smiles that beauuuuuuuuuutifully and says andar sharmatee abi kya ho jaata !!

rases his eyebrows asking again.....

some questions you yourself donno the answers for.....

gets in the car with that moment still on your mind watching him stand the same waaaaaaaay like he used to years back then to seeee the same looooove in the way he watches you in that moment....

and he asks you again ab bol andar kaiku sharmati....

and you get back to feeling his choti and ask him bout it and the waaaaay he chuckles away and says smthing bout the guy left it that way or smthing....

it was that feeeeeeling charlie.....

like after moments back then you could still touch him like you face ku haath lagau shoujlder pe haath laagu like you know you could.... but after bup in those moments after you couldnt the way he would suddenly maintain that distance right after like you knew you couldn any closer bhi.....

and in that you looked for reasosn like bahane with which you could still feel him a lil more just before getting home....

knowing when you would see him next was smthing you never were sure of.....

making the most of those lil moments of just feeling his presence did come with hair style smtimes or smtimes with that ther eis smthing on your shirt or hand....

and the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he would justknow that tooo..... like you try to brush away smthing from his shirt and keep feeling his arm and the waaaaaay he would nod awaaaaaaaaay that beauuutifully with just that smile.... and dheere se ask you smtimes gaya ya nai jaaata tera ghar aye tab tak....

it was the waaaaaaaay he just knew you every bit of you....

anything bout you he just knew you that beauuuuuuutifully well....

like could even sense that missing already in you of his presence just by your touch...

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee tummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bhottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt yaaaaaaaaad areeeeeeeeee miyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii this very moment here !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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