Wednesday 5 June 2019

The fall!!

just yesterday out with your mom for shopping and this one place you stop by like it was a market place and with his music still playing like you get off with your headset on and just before pausing the music this one thing soon as you see your wallpapper one self talk moment with his picture on....

and still looking at him you hear this one loud scream of your mom and before you look t othe side you see this mini truck sort of van speeding towards and that close to you and before you could even make sense of that moment like it blanks you out with it that clos eto you and you jsut step back thinking the car was still behind you and you slip over this deep wet muddy surface and fall over this rocky step like thing behind.....

like it was just the worst thud and fall like it blanks you in a half conscious way and your mom driver is all you could see and the first thing you ask is where is your fone and your mom tries to check your arm instead and you just ask bout the fone and she shows it was safe in your other hand but this one arm that you oculdnt move over the rock kurti almost half torn over the shoulder she and some other lady tries to lift you and back in the car......

from there to the doc like you could see hear everything but couldnt feel or move your arm....

it was bleeding a lil but there was no pain initially.....

at the doc a guy doctor and reach there and your mom covered your arm with the chunni tries to hold your arm and you move it away.... saying youll do it on you rown it was then that need to not let the doc touch the arm does it actually make you move it... like whoo oopar neeche left right wala direction mein.....

some will i say that was !!!!!!

cause it was only after you strat moving your arm does the pain finally strike you and how.....

when the doc notices you werent letting the doc touch your arm or shoulder the doc asks your mom to take you the washroom and check it with the nurse if there was some swelling or any signs of fracture....

then you notie the hugeee bloood clot you had on the shoulder and that one first sight or sound you make its a markkkkkk like you literally say it in that squealing sound cause you did seeee a mark after the longest of times..... that same dark purple maroon colored mark on you that was his....

your mom n nurse with the look get back to checkign the arm this one long stretch of bruise all across the arm stil the wrist.....

thnafully no fracture nothing serious but just the bruises that bad.... and that clot thooo is now another reason or place to live that beauuuuuuuuuuuty of his daaaat i say !!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that trademark love of his to leave you with that sign of his on and over you.... the waaaaaaaaay he used to call it as "i was here" wala sign of his on you !!!!!!!!1

bac to the doc and now the way teh doc again holds your wrist to check the bruises there and the way it feels weird very bad weird and you move your arm away again.....

and your mom then takes on from there showing this is where and how it was n all without the doc touchig you....

done with it and you step out as the clinic smell was making that weird nauseatic state of mind even worse....

it was like literally the world around moving in cricles.... and that one feeel as you recall that moment....

when literally his presence made the sound and world around disappear that you couldnt hear or see a thing....

from seeeing that mark that darkest color of his love same tyype on you after decades now eveytime you see it sthings nai charlie its a beautifully strange kind of happiness they leave you with despite of the pain....

cause the visual takes you back to the moment letting you relive that moment that same visual.... after decades......

to come home and first check yourself to see how many of his colors of love you oculd find....

and then that another level of khushi to see them every day as long as they last for....

he was here wali same feeeling.... cause again that same thing not knowing when youll see him again !!

some visuals i say beauty of their own even with their zillion iornies.....

again writing wirting how only Youuuuuuuuuu were missed howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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