Wednesday 12 June 2019

His places...

from the start of the morning today it was that strangely beautiful feeeling like not to look in the mirror and then when you accidentally do that one inside shy moment akele akele only !!!!!!!!!1

its this state of mind that you refrain from feeling or even reliving in your mind bout !!!!!

cause you knowwwwwwwwww it only gets worse from ther eon....

thankfully with work to be done and out and on the way back that sudden need just like yesterday to be in one of his places....

its this thing bout feeeeling him with his music when the misseeing gets this worse or to just be in his places....

it just does smthing that beauuuuutiful to not jst your mind but all you !!!!!

and today thooo this beauuuuuuuuuty of the sky !!!!!!!!!!!

cotton candy skies all around.....

this beauuuuuuuty of the rains liek it sort of beautifies everything away jst by and with the touch of it... just like his touch does to you !!

pretty much almost same thing if not the same exact thing.... cause his i tell you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sooooooo yahhhhhh !!!!!!!!!

the trees look brghter lush greener aftae rains the earth looks that beuatiful extra brown and fresh and with that smell in the air the sky that beauuuutifully blue like everything around looks that much more extra beautiful......

like it just trasnforms everything away....

and this need this wish to live his presence with this beuatiful transformation around and up above.....

like thi sone wish to live him as it rains up above and to just stand underneath the wide sky as it rains and then to live that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of him with it !!!!!!!

another one of your most wished wishes...

to think of it now every wish ever wished starts with him ends wit hhim....

like that one longg list of wishes is nothing but like that one to do list with him...

from where to where only !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when this sudden missing strikes be it that neeed to be in his places or that neeeed to see him now that you cant you just be and hear him on whatsap....

again does smthing for the moment makes it a lil better !!

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