Wednesday 19 June 2019

Freeness and much more!!

this post def did come up after much of acceptance of the state of mind you were in.....

with that thing that need that urge to write it out just cause of how the yesterday made you feel like it was the first time ever you felt that way and that strongly...

also when the today did come with that beauty of the visuals...

some random post by some random person did bring back the most beauuuuuuuutiful meet of your life...

never for once did you feel a day that way like again that beauty that magic of the visuals that state of mind it did lead you to so much so that you take the day off work cause you couldnt get your mind off it..... to much later through the day when you were finally out for smthing and realize how he did make a space in your lilst most personal of moments....

like that smthing by him years back and to finally see it come true and that very moment to think of him right there and then....

is when you realize how someone can that beauuuuuuutifully become everything to anything in your life... even in their absence...

like you can just feeel them !!!!

to finding that one beauty of a song by who else but the coldplay...

like jus does it for you !!

the other song that he liked days back same thing scared to come close and yet runs away.....

its like music and visuals pretty much sums up your life now.....

like that one necessity of your life...

to look around people watch place watch just so you could live smthing of him in some corner.... how some habits done with him watching his love for people watching soon joining him along and later loving it all the more..... cause earlier it was cause it was with him, after it was to look for him and then find him even in his absence.....

its this state of mind today its freeee just that freee......

when you also realize pain too sets you free just like moments of love and passion does...

to a day like yesterday and to a day like today saving the state of mind away!!


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