Friday 28 June 2019

Thats how you love !!

it was that thing charlie when you realize it actually was falling apart when you wanted to give that one last try one last hope or smthing to see if you still could hold it on......

if you could still keep it together.....

cause maybe he did prepare you sort of already for this flip of his many a times......

like everytime he came to see you on the terrace and especially when lost and would be that lost kid with you wnating to be loved he would always mention at least once.... bout this flip of his mind and does make you keep promising him you wont let him go even if he wants you to..... like his mind flips you to hold him keep holding onto him.... like to not react exactly as per his mind flip and instead asking you to still stay with him....

but when you are that sure THAT SURE of smthing in your life like thats one thing the only thing in your life that you ever were that THAT SURE... Him in your life !!

like even when he would keep saying it over n over again time n again and that one feeeeeeeeel in you why is he even sayign that cause you were that sure of him and his love for you.... like eveything else around may change but that one thing in your life NEVER WILL !!!!!!!!!

like that sure.....

and that day you knew you shouldnt have gone knwoing he tells you that way to keep off him.... but that need to hold him stronger closer hoping he would stay......

but that day when you come back and sit at your stairs place for longest time... the only feeeeeeling that you could feel was atealst you saw him atleast you held him atleast you lived that moment with him even if it was that ironic but him watching you after and then reaizing his love for you in that moment and then again pulling himself away adn walking out......

its that feeeel charlie atleast you came back with smthing of him and today when you live that same memory after waking up from that weirdest moment ever in dream that one feeling thank god you did go see him that day......

cause it lasted you this long !!!!!!!!!!

it was that beautifully ironic when everythings falling apart him walking away and yet was sharing it all with you being his usual self with his usual love for you and THAT much love for you......

SOME MOMENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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