Wednesday 12 June 2019

Dont go!!

fr the first time when you are unsure about which dream was when cause you missed out on writing....

but this one def was morning yesterday like the start of the day when you are at this place with people everywhere around and you just walk in there and door at the table you see him sitting in one corner on the fone....

and that one sight him in a black shirt with that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of full grown daaaadi loooooove with chashma on looking over his fone.... and that rush  to runnnnn to him and as you go closer the way he dheere se lifts his face up and not lookign to your side but still face a lil down and that one smileeeeeeeeee on him....

like he did sense your presence the waaaaaay he just looks up a lil and just smileeeees that beauuuuuuuutifully only once you were a step away from him the waaay he that adoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorably says aa gaye tumm... and then a beautiful pause and your second much loved third much loved name howliii.... first karely second begum and third one being this and the list only goes on bombiii bubbles from powerpuff girls and a zillion others....

soooooooooooo yahhhhhh !!!!!!!

it was that beauutiful feeeling of that moment charlie without even seeing you looking up at you he just knewwwww its you !!!!!!!!!

just by the sense of your presence he just knewwww its you !!!!!!

just as you go closer the way he moves a lil giving you space to sit as it was a bench like thing....

the sec you sit down the waaaaaaaaay the sameeeeeeeee way just like he used to back then he puts his arm over your shoulder and on your neck and pulls you closer.... like you look up and you can feeel your nose touch his daaaaaaadi like that close to him and just looks at you and ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one smile of his the sec he flashes when he looks at you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its like he is the happiest like you knowwwww he is the happiest like you can see it in his eyes in his smileeeeeee the waaaaaaaay he just pulls youc lsoer like you knowwwwwwwwww he is that happppy !!!!!!!!!!

kya karriii and you just nod away again smthing that usual that close to him and everytime he held you that way like you cant speak a word think a thing but just feeeeeeel yourself lose yourself in all him......

its like that one moment that one visual that one him you are living in that very moment is all you know wanna do see feeel live loooove but just that moment.....

to feeeeeel it the fullest to live that moment the fullest and to looooooooooove it the fullest !!!!!!!!!

live every detail of his feeeeeel that khushi of his in the way he watches you and love that feeeeeeling of how happpy your presence truly makes him feel......


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