Friday 28 June 2019

This missing...

there are days and there have been years decade of misseeing almost !!!!!!

and then there has been this last week or this week rather last few days and this different whoooo andaaar seeee that sudden tooo much misseeeing like you can feel it grow get worse by the sec...

like you donnooooooo what how or why but this sudden misseeeeeing that feels worse and much stronger than what youve grown used to for years now...

like you can just feel it andaaar se its a different much stronger misseeeing like you can just feeeeeeel it !!!!!!!!!!!1

its this weird lostness that it has filled you up with...

like this blankness its smthing that you cant possibly write out define express out in words...

just feeeeeeeeeels that different and stronger !!!!!!!!!!

and then there was this fraction of a sec of a dream or moment it was and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling it left you with !!!!!!!!

like the complete day that one echo of his voice him pushing you away and the waaaaay it took you back to the very same moment that you did live for real...

days away from bup......

again never had a dream like this one like you did this morning.....

the waaaaaaaay it just shakes you up the same way it did back then like that feeeel you wake up with this morning and the after feeels did last and HOW !!!!!!!!!!

do exactly as said, pull yourself away...!

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