Saturday 8 June 2019

His heart...

out for work today and this one time on the radio this one song plays....

right from the start of t and that feeeeel of him !!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaa meeeethaaa meeeeeethaaaaaaaaaaaa yummmmmmm yummmmmmmm !!!!!!!!!!

right from the start of your day starts with him to through the day and jst when you are bout to fall alseep there is that feeeeeeeeeel of him !!!!!!!!!

and when you dont feel him on those rarest of day swhen you dont get a dream of his that wierd feeeling like you missed out on meeting him kinda weird feeel in the stomach only....

and when you do wake up with that feeeeeel of him it just does smthing bette for you like ekdumm seee day feeels better.....

listening to this song and the waaaaaaay it puts a smile on your face seeing him first thing in the morning or wheevr you wake up to that waiiiiiiiit in you constant of his.....

like as the heart tick tocks there is that waiting ticking away in you as a constant now...

as simple as that......

he did bring that sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeetness in your life like ekdum seeee changed it all away changed you awaaaaaaaaaaaay.....

and even in his absence this feeeeeeel of his now the waaaaaay you can just feel it with you through the day in tiniest moments through the day.... or at nie when you just be under the sky with his music playing and that feeeeeeeeel of his love everything him rushes through you calming you smtimes and smtimes awakening that other side of you again which is calmed by another moment relivng of his....

like the only storm and calm of yyour life....

like the song that beauuuuutifully feeeeeeeeeeels everything HIM !!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaa meeetha meeeeeeeeeeeeethaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!

done on the radio and you look for the song and play it onloop cause it felt evrything him just that beauuuuuuuuuuuuutifuly HIM !!!!!!!!!

to that need to go on his channel then stalk his movie channel and it was another tearser again posted just a min or two back :D with that onekhsuhiiiiiiiii in you first one to seeee i say as it was posted just amin or two back.....

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay it just makes you that happy till the sec it plays....

and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the sec you see it be it the sound be it the visual and knowing him could be a son n mom kinda momen...

again this thing bout the visuals the way it connects you with smthing that familiar and once that side of familiairity is touched the rest just flows...

with this one feeeeeel of his heart, as beautiful as fragile as that of a kid....

like on theoutside he maybe the coolest maddest adoooorablest big beautiful thig but on the inside he is still is that one adooooorable kid that also gets wild and high on psy beedis....

but that one kid in him stays just stays no matter what.... which also that beauuuuuuutifully comes out even in moments of love...

as strange as it sounds witing out but just is the waaaay it is havinglived it a zillion times !!!!!!!

writing writing how onlyyyyyyyyyyyyy YOuuuuuuuuuuuu were missed adooooooooooooorable beauuuuuuuuutiful lil big thing i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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