Sunday 2 June 2019

The worth !!

its this strange thing you experience today when after a start like this one today and that neeeeeeeed to write him out and you try to login and you couldnt like it just keeps saying try again....

and you keep refreshing the page over n over again with that missing growing with that neeeed to write the dream write him out growing that baaaaaaaad and the same msg keepsflashing over n over agian...

is it that you realize the worth of smthing when you lose it or in the absence.....

like you realize today actually re realize today how much of peace or smthing that beauuuuuuutiful that this feeeeeeeeeeeel to write him out leaves you with.....

like to set the dream free set the missing freee by writing it out here how much you truly truly missed him after the waking up like to just be able to write it out and the after feeeeeeels it leaves you with is beyoooooond words.....

and then after a day start like the one today to not be able to write it out like you alone knowwwwwwwwwwwww how that made you feel.....

that beautifully restless like you were holding back smthing  that beautiful in you and that neeeeed to just write him out write the morning out.....

maybe its the absence that does teach the worth of smthing... like the true worth of smthing...

also why you think you do love him much much more now with every day every passing sec than you did back then...

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