Thursday 20 June 2019

wishes like these !!

from the zillion other wishes that youd wished for one of them comes true last nite...

only with a timing like that one.....

this one wish always been there again ever since his absence.....

hoping to feel him to be online same time as you.....

with that one thing some like smthing from him at that same hour as you....

and jus when you were on that peakest of missings i say you see him update his dp to another one of his most loooooooooooooooved pics......

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa to just seee him smile and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay all of you on the inside and outside that one beautiful rush of happiness to just seeee him smile even in a pic bhi.....

the most beautiful of all ironies being the title he had on with this one pic of his on insta - on the other side of looking glass...

there was him on the other side of the glass here that very same moment as you as he just updates his pic and when you that baaaaaaaadlly wanted to write out that very moment..... just that it only happens once the power was out....

when you literally struggled and finally decided to write out the state of mind yesterday and full in the flow and the lights go out is also when you again realize how writing did become this necessity.....

like this neeed to write out the mind just so you could let it all out.....

setting your mind free just and mostly when it needs to be set free...

its that thing again to do with his miseeeeing when you just want to let it all out.....

and the waaaaay writing it out just does smthing as lil but just does...

smthing that beautifully calming and at peace with yourself once done...

just like his dreams places or his music does.....

but when all the three together fail at leaving your mind with peace, writing always does !!

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