Thursday 20 June 2019

Sound of a memory!!

def the most lived and loved memory !!!!!!!!!!

its like you almost lived a life of memories in that meeet.....

liked the sight of the sea and waters..... but after that day the sound of the waters any visual of the sea you anywhere sound of the waves sound of the name versova bombay big windows anything to everything including that coffee table of his that you wanted that bad and get the same one for your house too.....

just cause it reminds you of that moment of dropping his ash tray and whilst rubbing to get it off intead spread it all across the rug of his.... and the waaaaaaaaay he just watches you through that and only after chuckles away that adoooooooorably to what a mess you had made and you keep saying sorry.... as you had ruined his rug and the waay he just holds you away and pulls you closer to him and just stays that way..... holding you closer.....

the waaaaaaaaay it felt like he was making up for that missing all of that missing after the bup for the first time in that meet....

the waaaay he was just holdingyou closer making sure you dont move away from him and the more you write now this one weirddly beautiful feeeel with the song playing and tears rolling......

smtimes writing smthing you lived and loved the most does make it better......

just that nite when you find this song and live that memory and realize how extreme pain too can set you free like love does...

it sort of made your head lighter after !!

that one memory just in you.... any brush of smthing that brings that day along the after is smthing you struggle to deal with......

like you thought you were fine now yesterday and now again as you write it out reliving that day reliving those moments feeeeeling him living him holding onto you.....

if only that feeeeel did stay much after the meets too.... if only he could, did.... hold onto you after too !!

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