Friday 7 June 2019

LOVE with his nothing too!

it wasnt bout his mind his music his love for films like you were in love with him in love with his nothing too.....

like he just be him and you loooooooooooooved him that way too.....

like he just be standing there or walking around or looking around or just be breathing and you were ar eand will always be in looooooooove with his nothing too !!!!!!!!

like ever since that first him walking towards you and in your life with that adooooooooooooorable walk of his you were are and always be in lov for life !

and the more you knew him the more you lived him the more the love kept adding on...

like you soon started to love that extension of his too.... like from just him to anything to everything HIM you were in loooove and HOW !!!!!!!!!

there was that beauty of just living him or just sharing th emost random stuff with him.... and this beauty of writing him the sec you mention the jeep car or see th evisual of the jeep it takes you back to tthis momemnt....

out for a drive and door there was this jeep car open top version of it.... and you tell him how much you loved those cars as a kid sharing the happy side of your childhood with him...

and the waaaaaaaaaaay he would just listen to you like you knowwwww he was that beauuuuuutifuly listening to you whn he would slow down the car move it a lil side off the road and then keep looking at you and listen to you with that ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one smileeeeeeeeeee of his that officially dorve you mad and HOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when you tell him how as  akid you looooved the idea of being in those open top cars where you could see the sky as driving you know the idea of freeee under the sky and then moving seemed very adventerious and beautiful to you.... and the waaaaaaaaaaay he chuckeles awaaay that adooooooorably saying looking at you you seemed more like those closed car ones..... like those oshisticated ones.....

and thats hwen you realize how you never shared it with anybody like him being the first one you shared or spoke of your love for smthing as lil as that of a car idea that you loved....

its like you suddenly realize how you can now share a pieace of you a part of you that you neevr did before wth anybody else not even say it loud for you to hear it yourself....

and then there was him that you could share it all with....

as the car moves closer the waaaaay he say snow that he knows your idea of likes the way he shows that psy beedi in the hand of the driver... like it was those initial days when he was to think of it now trainign you rmind to accept and realize the beauty of his much loved psy beedi....

like he would always mention bout it indirectly talking botu the beuaty and the benefits of it including the health benefits.... and the state of mind it takes you in and all cause you thought theriwse bout it.....

then shows that psy beedi in the drivers hand and says its that common around.... and then waits looking at you for your epression.... or maybe knew a question was just on the way cause the sec you mention how or what or smthing that waaaaaaaaaaaaay he would that adooooooooorably chuckle at you and then say i love it how i know you this well....

nod awaaaaaaay and allow you to share that question that popped up in your mind....

and you ask him its not same as alochol that yo ulose the sense and the waaay he says it only makes you more aware of everything and then watches you aain that adooooooooooooooooooorably like everytime he saw that curiosity in you with your zillion questions he only loved it more....

maybe it was caue f his that one expression ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one adooooooorable question that only made you wanna ask away any doubt or wonder that popped in your mind....

likw knowing now you had someone you could wthout having to doubt if you can or not !!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOU besttttttt seslkyyyyyyyyy yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmy friend how onlyyyyyyyyyyyyy YOu weer missed i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

abiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa geeeeeeliest chummmiiiiiiiii lag jaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaa uskuuuuu pooooraa ka poooooora !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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