Saturday 15 June 2019

Sound of His voice...!

that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of the sound of his voice...

be it back mins back or this morning or any of the mornings or just a few days back......

few days back when you get this call from some unknown number usually you dont pick calls from unknown numbers cause most of them are those random airtel things or credit card lelo wale type of calls....

but that day you did cause you were walking out from a store to another store....

and you dont see the number or the screen and just pick it up....

and that first sound of the voice.....

hi is this shriya....

and that pause there was too much traffic that you could barely hear the voice.... walk into another store just so you could hear the voice... and you ask the person to wait and then say a hello and again that same question is this shriya and that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel cause it was that similar to his voice.... and that sudden rush or not sure what it was just that feeeeel like the heart would almost jump out cause it was toooo many beats per sec for the heart to manage with !!!!!!!

the waaay it just puts the biggest smile on you in the longest o ftimes....

and the person asks again is this shriya and you say yes and then check the number it wasnt His...

that one confusion why did he call you fom another number !

the person says a hi shriya and that pause and that need to shut the eyes again cause of the way the person says your name and now even with the voice that smiliar to his the way the person says your name doesnt sound like him.... that need to shut the eyes again and nope it wasnt his cause now the voice dint give you that same feeeeeeeeeeeel that His voice used to.....

the person turned out to be some clients brother who was checking on some outfit they were looking for.... like the person was still talkig botu the outfit and you jus hangup with a will call back bolke.....

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel that few secs of feeeeeeeeel thinking it was him calling you saying your name with that same style of his the waaaaaay he would say a hi and that beauuuuuuuutiful pause after knowing it was a call after a long time and also knowing you more must be crying on the other side.... and lets you have that moment with yourself !!!!!!!

the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay just that random call left you withthat sudden feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel of him!!!!!!

ist when you giveup dont think the reality side of things to do with him and something as simple as a call now feels like the biggest deal on the face and everything of this planet....

and then to think it was HIM calling you that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like the heart almost jumped out of you wala loudest beat possible !!!!!!!1

like you could feeeel almost the outside of it vibrate like that loud of a heart beat it was !!!!!!!!

anything to do with him i swear even thinking of it now recalling that oen beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his voice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

beyoooooooond words...

like that one random call was only the start to how and what it left you with for the coming few days till today...

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