Saturday 29 June 2019

The presence 2...

when you lived the absence for the longest of time like you sort of become used to it....

in a way that you almost forget how and what the presence finally could make you feel like again.....

like you know all the feeeeeels how his presence used to make you feel like but its that thing nai charlie cause its been the longest ever and  you sort of know what it feels like but the details of the feeeeeeel like how it strats how it makes you feel realizing bout his presence before you and the after of it.... its like the whole process whole impact of someones presence like that one person just that one someone's presence like no other.... like it just transforms you inside out and you jsut cant help but feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel everything it makes you feel !!!!!!!!!

when you were still struggling to get over that disturbing echo of his voice and your mom today says she'll be with you for work as she had some other work too.....

out for work and the same restlessness like you cant keep your mind straight or at peace.....

the way that feeeeeeel of the dream his words keep disturbing you that bad......

like you know shaking you up in the waking state....

kinda thing !!

and this sudden ting of some glass sound as your mom drinks some juice she orders at a cofeee shop..... and just the ting strikes that chord with you......

just the sound and the feeeeeeeel of his gypsy soul song...

walk out from there and just stand out for a bit play his gypsy soul and just be with the sound.....

there was that much jam that much crowd around but the way soon everything around starts to disappear like your vision for real gets that blurred out......

like your eyes shut and yet open wali feeeling.....

all you could feeeel live think sense was him.......

just that one feeeeeeeeeeel in you like the way it was that beautifully slow transforming everything into Him.... just him !!!!!!!!!!!1

done from there to the workshop to shopping some bits and on your way back just before a turn to the gvk a jam....

how do you even sense something like this how a presence feels makes you feel like nothing else you feel how does  that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeling is that diffferent from the rest of what you feel live through all these years.....

why that one moment that one presence that one smthing is that different feeeeeeels that different transforms you away like everything inside of you outside of you changes away in just that fraction of a sec.....

like to just see to just visually live for a sec for real and it left you completely transformed after years !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling to just live that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling after years and then realize this is how it used to make you feel like this is how much his presence mattered again not smthing you already knew but justttttttttttttt that feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling charlie to live smthing aftter  years when you almost sort of lost that familiarity of how his presence used to make you feel like like not literally forget but today when you live it after years !!!!!!!!!!!!

just donnooooooooooo how to exactly write out what it left you with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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