Tuesday 28 May 2019

Without calculations!

still donno how wht or why the things are the way they are.....

but maybe smtimes it all comes down to what and how you feel bout smthing...

and when it comes to Him like there is life there is the reality on one side and there is Him on the other.... and if you look on the Him side of it to you that is exactly where all your life resides breathes lives... like that side of life to you is what LIFE really is like......

like thats where it is thats where it has always been.... and will be !!

and the one thing that gives more meaning to that side of your life is His music.... it has always.....

ever since the start like it has been his music that sort of was a way of living his love for you through his music.... like even after some deep conversation be it bout love life or even friendship telling you how he had no friends and now had you like from there on he would go on bout life in general too.... or there were deep moments of love and after would just play some song and wait for your expression your reaction over it like if you actually did connect could relate that moment with the song or not......

and just by your face smtimes the waaaaaaaaaaaaaay it would make him happy cause you felt exactly what and how he felt in that very moment with the music.....

like that sound then was an extension of his love...

a still moment of love continued after moments of love... only this time it was him waiting for you to feel that love feel that touch feel that extension of his love through tht sound......

it was more like the more you lived him the more you loooooooved him and the more you looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooved him you were connecting relating with his music more..... like could feeel his love in his music..... could just feeel that strongly !!

and thats how and where your love for his music did start feeeeling an extension of his love in and with his music...

even after bup there were many moments where he would just play a song and then look at you as you listen to it..... like it was again your way of wondering if he still did love you and the sec you hear the track and look at him and that smileeeeeeeeeeeeee on him just smiiiiiiiiiiling awaaay that beautifully..... cause you felt exactly what he was hoping you would actually like always again was that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully sure you would..... felt his love in the song !!

you dont say a word neither does he but that one smile on him just seeing that tear in your eye or just your face knew you again felt what he was that beauuuuutifuly sure of......

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee writing writing how onlyyyyyyyyyyyy You were missed i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa zorkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii chummmiiiiiiiiiiii lag jaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaa uskuuuuuuuuuuuuuu abiiiiiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiii is ay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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