Friday 17 May 2019

For the record - weirdest dream ever !!

so the dream obvsly after a strongggggggggg feeeeeeeeeel of him was like bantaaa hai boss wali feeeeling i say !!!!!!!!

but uneeee aisaaa ata thaaa ye pata nai tha !!!!

like you are standing on a street looking yaha waha and there is that beautiful wild brush of the wind in the air.... and once when your face gets completely covered by your own hair with the wind..... and you try to move it away and this blurred vision of some bike towards you that beuatifully slow....

like that one blurred visual itself sort of makes you feel like the bike wasnt coming close  to you but instead you were being pulled closer and howwwwwww to the bike.....

as it gets more clear you see him sitting at the back with some guy in the front and he was holding that guy by the waist.... and his face that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully happy likes looks yaha waha with the wind over his face his eyes going that beautifully lil blinking more and all of this like sort of running on that slooooooowest speed visual the bike literally at the speed of a bicycle..... coming towards and him holding the guy romantically and you still wondering but how and then that why care and live him instead wali feeeeeeeeling....

like youliterally refrain your eyes from bliking cause you dint wanna miss out on that single sec of not seeing him or missing out on seeing him.....

the bike almost that close to you now and when he finaaaaaaally looks at you and smileeeeeeeeeeeeees that beauuuuuuuuuutifully holds his arm towards you like trying to reach out to you and you do the same try to reach back to him with your hand towards him and just touches the tip of your finger and the bike moves away him still turning and looking at you with that smile slowly disappearing like now he was just living that moment with you looking at you..... him in a white striped shirt with red khaki kinda chaddi......

looking his beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful best i saaaaaaay !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the sec he touches your finger tip that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel like you were almost there you could have held him and then moves away.....

and that one feeeeeeeeeeel disturbs you that ki almost shakes you up and you wake up with your one hand still in the air....

like that was the impact the intensity of the moment you just felt and lived ki your hand still there in  the air hoping to hold him back..... just that close THAT close and you could have would have !!!!!!!!

isnt this strange charlie like of all the things imagine of all the things cause it was a clear case of gay dream that yo uhad of him like that dint even matter but that one feeeeeeeeeeeeel of you were that close to holding his hand and then moves away disturbs you that.....

when you wake up with that feeeeeeeel and wtch your own hand still in the air that one feeeeeel.... initially though !!

and then that self talk mode but isnt this the way its always been......

right from the very start !!

up the volume of his music and try to go back to sleep with that hope wait still on your mind maybe this time......

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