Thursday 2 May 2019

His absolute fan...

his wears smthing he blinks he smiles he makes a face he gets mad at someone he gets mad at you he cries he chuckles he does nothing at all tooo and yet all of this and more was is will always be just loooooooooove to you !!!!!!!!!

like his number fan for life and this you read on one of the pages you follow days back and connect the most with....

it was is just the same as that one line....

number fan of anything to everything to do with him......

like it just what it is and has alwys been this way forever now !!!!!!!

his biggest fan !!

also why when even in a situation like this what mattered most was him wearing smthing you loved the most on him and him wearing it as a part of you on a day like that one.....

like for you it was that weird feeeling not sure of how to react in a situation like that one.... and he dosnt say a word more and just stops by around your apartment and you try to get off and he holds your hand asking you if you had nothing to ask him and all and you couldnt say a word more and he asks again to ask smthing at least... and all you felt in that moment was asking him, you dont have an ex but what if you did and you did the same thing how would his reaction be.... and the waaaaaay he that adoooooooorably just nods away holding your hand pulling you closer to him that much ki you almost fall back in when just boutto get off the car.... like pulls you closer to him and nods awaaay holding your poooora arm away in his and says dont say that karely its different... you are just mine and i know you would never do that even if you had one just dont say that karely.....

and then pauses for a bit holding you again closer and then says she has no one no mom or dad as they died in some accident and he will always be there for her as a frind or when she needs him....

like this one thing will be there and you need to be okay with that.....

and then looks at you and then says a please understand.....

and you just say a okay and get off and he asks you again if you were sure you dint want to say smthing or hear smthing more botu the meet.... and you get off saying you cant !!

that day it was that almost lost him wali feeling for teh first time charlie....

like until that one moment you were that sure no matter what happens in your life in the world on the planet on the universe around the planets Him in your life, him with you with his love for you is teh only constant that wont change no matter what....

that youll have him and his love for you always in your life...

but that day it sort of changed it.....

once home after a bit his sister calls up talks yaha waha ka but you knew it had to be smthing bout it cause you werent texting him back.... and she says the girl wasnt even good lookin and you have nothing to worry bout and all......

as she was saying that that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelin charlie it wasnt bout all of those or anything but just his love losing his love was the only thing that scared you away....

and she keeps repeating the same thing and this one time you tell her it was only bout his love and not bout how she looked or you looked.....

and she changes the topic and tries to talk smthing or the other where you could still hear his whispers in the background that adoooooooorably saying smthing or the other....

after a while that call of his and asks you to come out and there he was.....

holds your hand takes you to one corner and asks you to tell him what was on your mind....

and you ask him if he wanted to go back to her he could.... and he just holds you awaaaaay saying karelyyyy mad you are i love you and today i got to know this feeel this all the more.....

i just love you i never loved her it wsnt even love..... and keeps saying i love you karely and got to know this the most beautiful way today....

it was that beauuuuuuuuutifully different charlie.....

like you knew he loved you and all but it was like that day he was actually telling you the first time....

like that was the day he actually did feel it like never before.....

the way he was just holding you and repeating the same thign with that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful tone of his voice.....

makes you sit with him holds your hand and tells you how with her he realized you was everything he always wanted in his life... like love was smthing he felt with you and never felt it with her....

like the moments with you is all he could think of when he was with her... and it made him realize how much he actually loved you..... like everytime she was abusing smthing or the other it was making him feeel you more... teh waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he was just talking bout those moments charlie holding your hand closer to his seenaaa and then telling you bout how lived you in his mind when with her.... and it made him realize how he never felt or lived that kind of love with her when with her.... and then tells you that it never was love and it will be you for him....

its you karely the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he keeeps repeating it was like him reminding reliving you in your presence......

like he was in that happy state of sudden realization of how much he truly loved you !!!!!!!

the more you write smthings and this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it gives you eveytime you write !!!!!!!!

like its only making you write one more time he loved you and aaj this one feeel he loves you...!

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