Friday 31 May 2019

Love for nites...

when someone said you looked tired n all this thing obvsly where it was the same you before him that could would sleept at the strike of 11 in the nite.....

and its the same you nai nai a very different nd all him, you now that sort feels the most you after 11 funny nai.....

how someone just walks into your life and changes it and changes you for life, for the best !!!!!!!!!

cause thats not just someone walking in its Him walking into your life and HOW and transforming you awaaaaaaaaay and making you live the most you that youve ever been.....

its like being reintroduced to what you actually were meant to be...

guide along !!

this one quote that you found on insta that said smthing on similar lines and reading it did become your second most loved quote of life after his ofc....

that goes like the purpose of love is same as the artist to make you aware of the things that you dont see.... like they both love and art make you aware of the things in life that go unnoticed... and that includes bout your own self too !!

the moments with him even the most random ones was like the more you lived him the more you were being transformed by him into the most you that youve ever felt..... and even after in chats talkig bout smthing random too was like realizing how he did make you Him......

completely Him.....

including the sleep pattern and this love for the nites....

how would you now even care of how you looked or how well you need to sleep !!!!!!

Priority, charlie !!!!!!!!

this beauuuuuty of the nites....

to just in your room away from it all and closer to all things Him with his music playing and you writing him out.....

relivin him with every word as you write....

like all of him this beauuuuuuuuuutifully plays through you !!!!!!!!

its like these moments you feeel the most you !!!!

its like setting the actual you free at the end of the day.....

its this beautifully quiet all around and in you ......

just the sound of his music playing and him that subtly rushing breathing through you !!!!!!

kabi yaad kiye thoo lagtaa charlie.....

how lucky you truly TRULY have been !!!!!!!!!!

luckiest in the world !!!!!!!!!!!

logooo kuuu karte karteee pyar ho jaata aaj kall merkuu uskuuu deke dekeeeeeee pyaaar horaa thaa !!!!!!!!

its the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he loved you was making you love him all the more.... like he knew could see it in you the more he was loving you he could definitely see you become more him when you do smthing like him be it even standing in the lift like him or havign sprite with biryani or any meal.... and that one smileeeeeeee he would flash liek it just made him that happpy to see you like him.....

again not intention but when thats what you live the most you sort of become that.....

this thing you read somewher elong back....

the couples who are together for the longest of times like grow old together tend to start looking like each other too.....

merse saath bi woich hua, horaaaa !!

growin old same correct but even in his absence with that much THAT much Him with you you did become him....

itttaaa ki who shoulder habit uski movie wali also smthing you have now.....

when and how did this happen you still got no clue but you do the same adjust your shoulder move it the same way he used to watching movie....

when your mom actually tells you smtimes you behave like a guy and you know who that guy be !!!! :DDD

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