Tuesday 28 May 2019

Without calculations part 2!!

to live moments is to feeeeeel them without any calculations !!!!!!!

at least to you now it is the way it is......

to feeeel relate connect with that song more than the sound it was the words like it was more of the exact same one as his dreams make you feel......

wait karely pls wait karely hold me karely !!!!!!!!

like off late its this beauuuuuuuuuutiful echo of his words in dreams in different ways than one..... again you wake up with that thing bout self talk its just your mind playing with you cause youve blocked him.... its just your mind like you keeep telling yourself he is fine is with the people he wants to have around and be with in life.... and your place is that clear in his life.... so you dont have to go anywhere close to be pushed back again....

like you keep telling yourself calming yourself down....

its the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he comes charlie..... and when that one him is your only life poooora ka poooooora LIFE i say and then to feeeel him that disturbed trying to hold on to you making you wait by asking you to wait it was that beauutifully weird.... cause most of you struggling to shake off that feeel and still selk talking maybe thats what he really wants to and the other side of you trying to put the sense back in by reminding the reality of it.....

its like that one big struggle the mre you dream such moments and the only way you could put some sense is is by blaming it all on your mind !!!!!!!!!

like that was the conclusion part of it as its become that recent now....

even galti se working now late in the nights you slip into a nap and feeeeeeeeeeel him and HOW you wake up with that confusion with that struggle to keep off fone cause you were struggling to train your mind to keep more off him like not wake up reading him on whatsapp hearing him there and then skip away nite rushes to hear him there..... like you know trying to get a hold on yourself......

but his music remained that beauuuuutifully untouched by your mind i say....

cause thats now your oxygen i say just as the Him in you... is there as you breathe....

His music ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that one peace it leaves you with like ekdum seeeeeee that sudden wordless calm it overloads you with.... cause its bout having lived him felt him even in his absence......

under the sky even working on accounts and bills with his music playing and that need to suddenly stop it all and just be looking up and reliving him his closeness his details his smileeeeeeeees his just stares for no reason like your mind finds that beauuuuuuuutiful calm with that sound of his music like it literally brings him along with it.......

Him there just that beauuuuuuuuuuutifully there with the first beat of his sound...

thats only how you gotta feeeeeeel like pooooooooooooooora feeeeeeel some moment to relate connect with that one magic it holds and then live the magic unfold with it......

this is when calculations go for a toss like it did today with that one sound of his song.......

who bhi of all the days it had to be today !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the one galli you refrained from entering all these years and cause of this one client you had to be there despite of not wanting to his house wali galli after years !!!!!!!!!

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