Wednesday 29 May 2019

Him, your only high !!

to live him wasnt just bout looking at him hmmly and all that....

it was more bout experiencing him living him like that whole process was like an experience in itself....

you remember putting the windows down with that wind in the air chill in the air as it was winters then..... get a lil closer to him and then live him live his beauuuuuuuutiful details from up close under that light......

and this has been this way ever since the start its just the waaaaaaaaay his presence holds you awaaaay that neeeed to live his beauuuuuuuuuutiful details.....

like not say a thing ask a  thing touch him or anything where most of you obvsly wants to but also that neeed to just live him....

now when you relive him in moments like these be it now as you write and keep shutting your eyes to relive him from that moment or at the temple today as you relive him there.... like it all makes sense maybe it was for moments like these that you were saving up awaaaaaaaaaay his beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful lilst of details in your eyes.... in you !!!!!!!!!!

just so you could relive him in moments like these wth a zooomed up memory visual......

that beautiful late nite silence in the air almost nobody around empty streets that beautiful street light wind in the air his some music playing in the car.... and you ask him put his stereo out like he used to do this thing where it used to come off just so that bright lights dont show in the car and attracts attention from the out... this he used to do when at opera mostly !!!!

just so theres no light at all !!!!!!

and you ask him to do the same cause you just wanted to live him under thoe orange lights....

and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he would just nod awaaay to your madness !!!!!!!!

no matter how much you chummmi him live moments with him there always was that smthing else beauty of living him..... liike it used to put your mind all of you in that highest state of peace calm and the most happpppppppppy state....

where you dont wanna do say or a thing.... like just be and get more high on him...

it was smthing else a beauuuuuuuty waaaay beyond words n logics....

Him your ultimate high, your ultimate most beauuuuuuuutiful psy beeeedi i say !!!!!!!!!!

to live him with his music and then to live that state of mind it used to put you in !!!!!!!!!!

the more you write now the more this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel now !!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooooooooooooo yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!

today there getting the pooja done al through that that one smile on you that youc ouldnt hold back cause you were living those hm hmm versions of him of his look of his adoooooooorable smiles especially in a place where you are not supposed to !!!!!!

knowing it was wrong naiii horaaa thaaaa charlie.....

look around try to get awaay move away from teh rush and leave your mom with the driver as she gets the pooja done and find thsi corner and just be....

look up and this row of orange hued lil lil bulb lights lit up in a row over the tree......

it was that beauty of that moment your mind reliving and getting high again on that memory of his caus you could that strongly feeeeeeel that same state of mind.... mind going that beauutifully slow with his music playing high.... him rushing through you like those visuals of him from that nite playing that beauuuuuuuuuutifully slow on loop with eevry blink you blink....

and up above there was that almost similar hued light over the tree...

save the moment awaay cause it was that emergency hideout that nite.....

this mind nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeling now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mind gone i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yahi basss nai thooo this beauty of his music now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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