Tuesday 28 May 2019

Lived Him !!

there are things you know and then there comes a time situation thta sort of makes you re realize things in life.....

like sort of connects you with your purpose reason in life.....

like you know suddenly give it all a meaning and make it complete...

been lost all the more again after that block with that feeeeeeeel of being that disgusted by someone you have only loved in life.....

like being loved by him that THAT much ki he almost loved you in every single way version of love possible.... from your best friend love to love love to even your dad love.... that you never had or felt ever in life !!

like waaaaaaay more versions of being loved by him and also being allowed to love him in many more than just love love.....

and then to be hated by the very same one in the worst way possible was much more than disturbing......

like you couldnt make sense of what where did you go that wrong.....

like reason to be this disgusted by your presence was that wordlessly worst !!

and then his dreams the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he is just there making you feeel his presence making you feeel his love for you that much more strongly...... like that reason alone makes you wanna stay with your eyes shut like you no not go anywhere do nothing at all and just be with your eyes shut for longer just so you could live him feeel him live his presence.....

and then to be there in hsi place and then to live him there relive his love for you there that much ki you could almost hear that beauuuuuuuuuutiful echo of his voice there......

his words his conversations that adoooooooooooorable sound of his chuckle..... like to be there was to feeeeeeeeel him the closest youve ever felt in the recent times....

like the sec you see her walking towards your car that need to move away like you dint want to go on with the work cause thats how lost you were in all HIM !!!!!!!!!

like by then all that was rushing breathing through you was just that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutifully HIM !!!!!!!!!

from there on to just carry on with the conversation with her - is smthing you alone know how difficult would be an understated word to what and how it mad eyou feel....

cause you were still looking at her but eyes mind all of you that beauutifully blank with jsut Him flowing through you !!!!!!!!!

the place where you lived HIM and HOW !!!!!!!!!!

after decade......

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