Monday 13 May 2019

To the today !!

like from that moment of kasam and having to head back home was the weirdest !!

like that was celebrating mommy day for you being His mommy now was the turn to with your mom head out for a dinner and eating eating still that lost in the moments lived there in the street....

and khaate khaate the way your mentions bout him telling her that you were his mommy and asks her to let him be that way with you.....

sleeping on your lap before your mom that day... when you take your hand off his head and the way he holds your hand that adooooooooooooooorably and places it back on his head and tells that to your mom..... like you couldnt gulp down the food and lookup at your mom and she was looking on the other table a son and mother..... and talks bout him saying the same....

awkward silence like obvsly you couldnt say a thing when thats exaaaaaaaactly what you were living rushing through you and HOW !!!!!!!

back home and that need to breeezer it down.....

be in your place sipping away to the sound of his music....

everytime when there the waaaaaay it never feeels like it was waay back then cause al of him there is that beauuutifully fresh.....

like you could almost see him in those corners that beautifully clear.... and that echo of his voice from the moment your mom talks bout.....

cause herself did tell you that that was the moment she felt you will be the safest with him.... not cause the way he called you his mommy but cause she did sense that love of his for you....and especially knowing what you went through your childhood and the after of it like that was the day she felt that secure bout you and who youll be with in life....

and even talked bout how after tat incident she even made sure to call you less frequent cause by then she did know bout his love fo ryou !!

sooooooooo yahhhhhhhh where to where only again.....

this thing bout writing some days and you forget bout having skipped your dinner caus right after fisnihing some work left you rush to write out the day and ab pet awaaz maaara zorseeee is when you realize there was no lunch or now no dinner too......

this onlyyyyyyyyyy charlie this beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty to just write him out and whoooooo bhiii today !!!!!!!!!!!

cause todaaaaaaay you realized it was youuuuuu only in the song from that song !!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaa koi aur pootttti nai thiii meich thiiiiiii charlie whooo !!!!!!

but why would he be scared of losing you still remains a mystery i say..... whooo bhiii khud he block marke !!!!!!

him ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa HIM only !!!!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeee suchaaaaaaaaaa cutieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!! uskuuuuuuuuuu abiiiiiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiiii ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeliest denttttttt wali chummiiiiiiiiiii lag jaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaa............. tum jaaaaaan meri !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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