Monday 13 May 2019

Fav most place in the world i say !!

this one place i swear and everytime you are there, never gets too old or too familiar to be around at.....

like the sec you are there ask the driver to park the car away a lil too far....

like you just wanted that space for yourself....

it was tooooo much of him rushing through you and tooo many versions of that beauuuuuuuuuty of him of the waaaaaaaay he loved you....

like corners of that space and the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he just still rushes through you....

it was that beauuuuuuuty of the Youday of mommy day reminding you of how trulyy trulyyyyyyyyy lucky you did get in life for having him wanting you to be his mommy and being his mommy first in your life......

like this one thing bout being a mommy you dont usually think of until you are actually working on it.....

and there was him the waaaaaaaaaaaaay he just holds your hand and takes it in his and that adoooooooooooooooooorably declares you to be his mommy from here on....

it was a day when your mom as per usual wanted you to come home early and him as per that adoooooooooooooooorably usual wanted you to be longer with him.....

and when he finally had to drop you back like it was that thing charlie not everyday he would do that like drop you home and still missing you was always there but on some days it was that beauuuuuuuuutifully extra..... missing !!!!!!

like that day toooo when he wasnt ready t drop you home and yet had to.... and then comes to see you at your golden hour and that was when you see him lost.... and sort of know maybe this is why he wanted you to be for longer with him....

cause he was lost.....

and that also was the time when he that adooooooooorably holds your hand and declares you his mommy from here on... like telling you you were responsible for him from there on.....

and that adooooooorably telling you liek that was the reason why he just wanted you to be with him.... for longer and he shouldnt have to drop you back when he is not ready to cause you are his and from that day thoo his mommy.....

most of the times charlie when lost the way he would make sure to come see you and then remind you at least for once you are my mommy karely dont ever leave me.....

no matter what i do what i say, dont ever leave me karely.....

its like maybe he knew bout this thing of his out of nowhere decisions that he makes and also was preparing you for it.... like telling you for times like these to just be there with him no matter what he does or say......

and its not selfish charlie thats how kids actually are....

its more bout the unconditional love that you hope from that one someone in your life just that one someone in your life..... like knowing deep inside you that that one someone will be there with you for you no matter what you say or do.....

its not selfish its that beauuuutifully pure and unconditional.... like wanting to be loved without any reason or season...... like to know just knowwwwwwwww this one someone has to be there for you with you when you need or even dont really know that you need em !!

there was him making you make those adoooorable promises and also making those declarations of you His mommy from that day on.....

agaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain from where to where onlyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to as you look up and that one other beauuuuuuuuuuty of his love....

having spend the most beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful moments in love there at that very stairs spot of yours....

to looking up and then again a lil ahead to where he would stand after dropping you home for a while longer......

you looking at him and when he dosnt as per usual just get in the car and leave an djust stands there living your presence know for sure that nite he deffffffff would come over to seee you.....

like you could just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel by the way he would look at you or even sound over the fone.... like he was def missing you more than usual !!

just the waaaaay he would either make the most of your presence or the waaaaaay his voice ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa his voice feeels !!!!!!!!!!

howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty i sweaaaaaaaar !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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