Sunday 12 May 2019

escape from reality...

His dreams.....

this beauuuuuty of some sounds and the quiet magic of a nite like this one today......

this beauuuuuty of his dreams like your ultimate escape from this reality to yours.....

been raining last few nites and with it the internet going off much before the tv ka dish bhii.....

like tv hai par internet nai !!

like that bad......

last nite again that beauutifully magical....

there has been a dream or more than just one almost every nite now.....

feeeling him smelling him and actually living him for real, in dreams that is.....

smthings noooooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

soooooooo yahhhhhhhhh !!

but moments like these are waaay more beauutiful cause thats how real they felt.....

like you could hear the actual real side playing and then also live him and how !!!!!!!

last nite watching series of xmen cause of no internet and also cause you just wanted to hold your mind or divert mind for a lil.... lil did you knowwwwwwwwwwwww !!!!!!!!!!!!!

this series of xmen that youd neevr seen before and hence dint know the term called mutants....

and power they hold !!

and as you watch the movie one after the other and this one feeeeel throughout how could you use the power of a mutant to let him know how much you missed him looooooved him !!!!!!!!

like ek who thaa charlie usme ek bachaa and with the power of his hands could pull up someone off the ground.... hawee mein...

and that one hulk wali feeel mixed with this mutant wali feeel and that one combination leading to that one question how to be a mutant now.....

as nonsense as this sounds now as you weer watching the movie it was much more nonsenser than it is in writing now.....

cause thats howwwwwwwwww bad you really wanted needed to through awaaay a chummi or an echo in the air just soooo he knows you missed him or chummiiied him.....

and then that wonder still living that thought of it in your mind but it also needs to have that pic of yours in the air wave or wind wave just sooo he knows its not from his some other fan and its your chummi instead.... a love you from you !!!!!!!1

and not from someone else !!!!

its like the more characters of mutants you weer watching came with it an idea of how to convert it getting all themore worse as you write your state of mind whilst watching the movie.....

no wonder this only maybe dint like bout you nai !!!!!!!!!

soooo yaaaaaaah two movies down and slowly your mind in that sleep haze state of mind cause of too much of mutant imagination running through your mind thinking of how you could throw awaaaay your chummmiii at him or send across an i love you to him......

and dekhte dekhte or actually sochet sochte couch pe hee maybe you slpet or just almost nap state of mind it was.... that slow and you could stil hear the movie playing....

like there was the movie sound and you slowly move or smthin and that beauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuty of his smelllll that you could smell that close to your shoulder.....

and that makes you lean over a lil more to the side you could smell him the most..... lean hote hote you feeel the arm like your face leaning over arm or try to make sense when you feeel his shoulders as it was a lil oopar than your face.....

lean more and that feeeeeeel of his blanket over you and thats when you realize it did get cold as you forgot to put the aircon back on the usual 20..... and it was much lower than that and it did get cold.....

and this again you dint even realize until that feeeeeeeeeel of his blanket again you know its his cause it deffffff dint feeeel like yours.....

and you lean more towards his shoulder and that feeeeeel of his arm over yours... like holding you and makes you lean more and the waaaaaaaaay he makes those sounds as you keep getting comfortable over him and leaning over him.... like hmmm hmmm holding you away in a way that smiling comfort of his as you lean more over him.... cause you could sense him smileee just by the waaay his hmmmm sounds.....

and as you go closer the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay he that adoooooooooooooooooorably says gir jaatu mein karely and it shakes you up knowing what if he falls with you leaning over and you move and wake up......

thre was no blanket aircon still that colddddddddest movie still playing just like it was as you hear him say gir jaatu karely..... in that adooooooooooooooooooorable chuckle sound of his as he feeels you literally get over him.... there was no blanket nothing at all even around you and that one thing did stay that smell of his that you could still smelllll that strongly.....

like that close and over your shoulder side, you still could smell him......

and that neeed to immediate need to shut the eyes again.... just so you could land back in that moment like that one strong hope wait just sooooo it lands you back in the moment......

writing writing how onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy YOU were missed i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa abiiiiiiii k abiiiiiiiiii and still writing writing this need you skip the rest of the chummi part awaaaay ayyyaaaaaaaaaaa smthings i say !!!!!!!!

this weirdly beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!

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