Tuesday 21 May 2019

His and HOW !!!!!!!!

friend back from her holiday with usband......

invites you for a party that was for people who missed out on the wedding and as per her you topped the list cause you were there at the wedding and ran away half way through....

there with your mom and this thing bout crowded places....

its that hate love thing....

too much people and then finding your own space there and then finding him there with you....

as beautifully weird as it sounds it always happens....

without fail i say....

also with it the thing bout crowded places did become your most fav too.... its that beauuuuuty when theres too many people visually around that much sound in the air too many things going all around... and then there is tha one space of yours that you feel n live with him.... cant hear see feeel a thing from the outside......

jsut that one beauuuuuuuuuuuuuty of him, all you see feeeel and live i say.......

cause thats all your life will ever be.... all you CCCCCCCC is all you feeeeeeeeeel i say !!!!!!! :DDDD

soooo yah and just cause you mom with you you sort of take that risk of drinking out you shouldnt have.....

almost two breezers down and you could hear that sound of the wind getting bad over teh roof so you head out in the huggggggest balcony that youever seen after your previous MOST loved house !!!!!!

as you loook around treees moving that bad with the wildd winf....... that much dust in the air that it almost makes the streets around look that beautifully smokey....

like it was nite clouds floatig in teh air.... over the streets...

and the dust was sort of dorming those smoke circles that he used to in the air......

and you hear someone ask what you were looking at and smiling.....

and you show the smoke rings in the air the dust rings.....

and how they looked like clouds rolling over the streeet like the trees were smoking and letting out the smoke rings.... floating in the air.....

there was his vital signs bombay meet track playing with the visual and the guy introduces name with some s kumar kinda name that you dont even remember now...... and asks yours and you again point out at the row of dust rings that were forming with that much wind in the air.... and talk bout how he could make the smoke look beautiful and only when the guy asks whats his name you look beside and realize the guy was standing that close to you and you were actually talking to someone that random......

rush back in and stay with your mom.....

and ask her if you could head home now.....

and her laughing over how you actually have this time limit of staying in such places and like she knows any time now you would come to her asking to leave.....

when someone knows your weirdest habits that well it just makes you happy nai.....

and your mom being the second one in your life, first be it anything will has and always will be Him i say !!!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anything to everything like he already knew it all bout you !!!!!!!!!!!

ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa suddeeeeenly wiring witing how onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy YOU were missed howleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee beauuuuuuuutiful lil big thing i say !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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