Tuesday 28 May 2019

The three dots...

this one time when you turn towards the temple with some car light being too bright suddenly around.... and you look up at the temple and this one line of three dots right above the temple with too much light you culdnt really make sense as to if it was the stars lined up right above the temple or what !!

get off to take the pic and soon after the car leaves and you look up again there was no dots !!!

it was that beauuutifully strange like that moment was just for you cause in the pic you still could see the three dots that looked just like stars....

again cause it was him again......

back then when you dint know what constellations was him telling you the same asking you to look up at the sky over the fone and asking you what do you see.... and you tell him just stars......

and asks you again what more can you see apart from stars......

and you again say more stars is when he moves and asks you to wait and heads over to his terrace and then that one hummmi sound of his ayyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa heighhhhhhhhhhhts of adoooooooooooooooooooooooooooorablenesssss !!!!!!!!!!!!!

like the sec he gets comfortable on or over smthing that one sound he used to make hummmiii.......

and then tells you bout constellations the three dots the shapes and figures all across the sky and the detailed theory bout it... to even meteor showers and the logic of them once in a year or sometimes more than once.....

like just hearing him talk looking up at that beauty of the nite sky to seeing the three dots with him pointing them out to you over the fone..... was like for the first time living that feeeeeel of someone being that close to you even in their absence..... like he was there with you over the fone but the way it was like he was acually holding your hand and pointing out those constellations and stars and showing you around the nite sky......

almost on a trip of the nite sky..... kinda fone date it was like !!

to live that magic of nite sky to that another magic of Him that he was working on you......

cause the more he talked bout it and made you see the magic of the sky the more it made you feeeeeel his love for you and even more importantly made you realize how madly you were in love with him already......

like even pointing out at the sky with your finger and then asking him if it was this he was talking bout and the waaaaay he says not that corner of the sky but the opposit eone like just that from him was like him moving your hand to the corner where he wanted you to see look at.....

it was that magical cause you were not just learning bout the beauty of the nite sky but you were learning bout your love for him amidst all that magic.......

there has been this way of writing since you donno when like for some specific sentences or smthing you had this thing of adding three dots...... and it was that habit that you first noticed he did too.... like it was when just friends.....

and that nite as he talks bout the three dots stars across the sky and how on the nite of christmas it sort of gets aligned right across the moon and this happens only on the nite of christmas.....

and you tell him out of excitement how he too had that weird habit like you did of adding three dots with msgs......

and that one adooooooooooooooooorable chuckle of his saying he too did notice that and wanted to tell you but dint want to sound stupid for having noticed that smallest bit of msg..... and it actually made him happy that you did !!

smthings you relive and write now the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay it just starts to flow......

like that one play that you hit and a time starts to flow almost !!

smthings SMTHINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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