Sunday 12 May 2019

The One...

when youve practically lived most of your life in that wait hoping some day he might realize his love for you back again like hoping for that some day waiting for that some day...... and only recently or maybe after the block eventually give up finally.....

it was that feeeeel charlie like youve always felt that love of his for you and HOW like you can feel it that strong in you in moments through the day and most imprtantly in his dreams....

like he is there when you need him the most and also there when you dont even know you did need him the most like he is just there..... and again when you mention dreams that one line between the dream and the reality that subtly diminishes....

but thats that beauty of His dreams......

like when you feeeeeel him when you needed him the most missed him the most and the very same way feel his presence in the dream, like he is just there !!!!!!!!!

and then to live another feel of him stopping someone holding onto someone leaving from his life..... was another thing !!

a song it was.....

that talks bout the flirtatious thing and also bout the need of not wanting to lose the one.... and that one feeeeeeel you were already gone.... like he made sure bout that with the much obvious disappearance now....

like theres that love of his and also that one thing with it - to stay...

like that dint happen, all these years....

there has always been that need to push you away or just pull back and disappear......

like he was always sort of in that rush the sec he would feel you get closer to him.... like you could still feel the love and this sudden realization as you write now smthings you mustnt write out cause its not your pehle wala space and also when you cant help but get it out.....

like that stay that need to stay that want that will to stay dint happen.....

he may have his reasons but whoo hota nai when you really want smthing in your life you make your best do your best to stay and have it in your life, no matter what !!

you werent good enough or circumstance or whatever it was, never happened....

and then to see him holding onto someone could just be a song but that thing bout not wanting to lose someone and knowing him like he connects his state of mind with the music he listens to.....

like having known him THAT much and his music, like his state of mind that beauuuuutifully reflects in his music..... the music he chooses to listen to, is like his mind there in the form of a song !!

that close and that BEAUTIFUL...

and this one song you again couldnt help but like and that one feeeeeel through the nite......

she definitely dosnt know what she is missing out on.....

when through the list of his fan following now he chose someone that he that badly wanted to hold onto and was seeing her leave.....

like as weirder or crazy as it sounds like you wanted to not knowing a shit bout it literally wnated to walk upto her and tell her what and how much that means - to just have his love !!!!!!!!!

its smthing else......

not your ordinary love i say.... not the kind you know hear listen or think youve seen it all heard it all bout..... its smthing else waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond words and worlds i say !!!!!!!

just smthing else......

it was that feeeeeeeeeling charlie having spend alsmot your life waiting for that one feeeeel of him not wanting someone to leave not walking away from him like you alone know what and how much that means.....

cause youve mostly lived the opposite after the bup !!!!!!

that one feeeeeeeeeeeeeeling luckiest in the world.....

to love is one thing and to be loved back is like having felt lived the love complete....

for a change today when even after a breezer down it dint really get to  your head and you are actually writing sober and also realize the writing going somewhere to where only !!!!!!!!!!

but for the record writing sober for the first time ever...... 

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